Here are the stories in the Wednesday, March 3, 1999 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Wolverettes Win Regional; Set Sights On State Crown
- In the Lions den, Prescott's Wolverettes feasted on Lady Bulldogs as they won their second regional title in four years.
- DERMOTT 55 Dermott's Lady Rams were Prescott's second victim in the tourney semifinals Friday night, as they were felled 66-55.
- WARREN 53 Victim No. 1 for Prescott in the regional tilt was the Warren LadyJacks, who fell 74-53 to the Wolverette assault force.
- The Wolverettes have now reached the point of the year when a loss signals the end of the season.
- Ross Seeks Funds For Library
- With a wee bit of luck Prescott and Nevada County could have a new library in its future.
- Driver's Ed Car Bought
- Students in the Nevada High School Driver's Education program will soon be tooling around in a new Crown Victoria.
- Sales Go Well For Chamber Banquet
- Ticket sales are going well for the annual Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Banquet.
- Horses Found Starving
- An area woman faces charges of cruelty to animals.
- Former Manager Charged
- A former local restaurant manager has been arrested, charged with theft of property and been scheduled for trial.
- New Fire Department Wanted
- Several people in the Pleasant Hill and Nubin Hill areas have expressed an interest in forming a fire department.
- Prescott Elementary Donates School Supplies To Beebe
- Several weeks ago a tornado went through Beebe, destroying and damaging the buildings of the elementary school. The loss was almost overwhelming.
- Nevada School Conducts Severe Weather Drill By Going Into Shelter At School
- Nevada Elementary School students conducted their state severe weather drill by going into the four storm shelters in the elementary.
- Bluff City
- I don't know if you noticed, but through some mix-up, last week's news was a reprint of the news from the week before. Therefore, some of the following should have appeared last week.
- Bodcaw
- We are having such beautiful weather. We think spring is here. A few have started gardening. It has been some time since I did any gardening.
- Boughton
- We are having beautiful weather. Trees are budding; shrubs are blooming. It's beginning to look a lot like spring.
- Caney
- Things our going well in Caney. Work on Brandon and Shelly Rhodes' home is progressing. Temporally they live in the old Rhodes house.
- Emmet
- Anita Allen
- Hillcrest
- J.E. Dillard from Rosston visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dillard, last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bob Rhodes visited on Sunday.
- Oak Grove
- Spring is just around the corner. It seems like it's already here, because of all of the flowers blooming.
- Redland
- Another week of confusing weather and sounds like more to come.
- Rosston
- Marguerite Williams
- Arkansas Heritage Theme For Art And Essay Contest
- The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (AHPP) and the Historic Preservation Alliance of Arkansas (HPAA) will sponsor the eighth annual Preserve Our Past (POP) art and essay contest for fifth grade Arkansas students, State Historic preservation officer...
- Deaths and Funerals
- Denton Lee Hawley
- Denton Lee Hawley, 89, of Prescott died Tuesday, February 23, 1999, in Hope.
- Dixie Lee Farrer
- Dixie Lee Farrer, 57 of Bodcaw died Tuesday, February 23, 1999.
- Margarette DeHan
- Margarette DeHan, 82, of Emmet died Saturday, February 27, 1999, at Wadley Regional Medical Center in Texarkana.
- John Perry Hart
- John Perry Hart, 83, of Rosston died Friday, February 26, 1999, at his residence.
- Ben Tucker Whitaker
- Ben Tucker Whitaker, 80, of Roswell, N.M., died Saturday, February 20, 1999, at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center.
- Tax Issues Touted
- Here and There
- Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
- College News
- The University of Arkansas Community College at Hope has announce that Lesley Grimes, a senior at Prescott High School, has been awarded an Academic Scholarship at the college. The scholarship is based on an ACT score and/or grade point average plus a rec...
- Club News
- Double C EHC
- Double 'C' Extension Homemakers Club met February 17 at Cale City Hall. The meeting was called to order by club president Ann Loe.
- Nevada County EHC Members
- Ten members of Nevada County's Extension homemakers clubs and Nevada County Extension home economist Candace Carrie attended the Arkansas Lawn and Garden Show Friday, February 19, at the Governors Convention Center in the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock.
- Lavender-Fry Plan April 3 Wedding
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gregory of McCaskill announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Laci Elizabeth Lavender, to Keith E. Fry, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Fry of Marietta, Texas.
- Gibson-Russo Announce Plans
- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gibson of Willisville would like to announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Keri Annette, to Alan Russo, son of Lawrence Russo of Bodcaw and Barbara LaWall of Tampa, Fla.
- Wolves' Season Comes To End
- Opportunity, contrary to the old sw, does knock more than once.
- Hospice Seminar Slated For March 11, At Hope
- Dying is something no one wants to think about, but is the one thing everyone has in common.
- Nevada Teams Knocked Out Of Class AA Region 7 Tournament In Gurdon
- Both Nevada teams were knocked out of the Class AA Region 7 tournament last week in Gurdon. Caddo Hills won the girls' division and Stephens won in the boys' bracket, was expected.
- In the first game for the Lady Jays, Ramona Evans was hot, hitting 37 points to lead Nevada over Dierks 67-48.
- It was nip and tuck for most of the game, but the last half belonged to the Lady Indians after Ramona Evans hurt her back. She also fouled out in the fourth period.
- Here is a recap of the tournament, which was played at Gurdon. On each night the tourney began with a girls game and then it alternated-girls, boys, girls, boys.
- Evans, Gulley Of Nevada Named All-Region Players
- Ramona Evans and Julius Gulley of Nevada were named to the All-Region Team Saturday night at Gurdon at the climax of the Class AA Region 7 tournament.
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