Here are the stories in the Wednesday, August 11, 1999 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- New Classrooms May Not Be Ready At Emmet
- It will be close for Emmet to get its new classrooms built by the time school starts Aug. 19.
- Despite Heat, Few Problems Exist In County
- As hot as it's been, there have been few, if any, heat related problems.
- Rosston Orders New Fire Truck; Discusses Wells
- Short and sweet was how the Rosston City Council meeting went Thursday, Aug. 5.
- Granny D Treks Through County
- When Jack Kerouac wrote "On The Road" it spawned the beat generations.
- Granny D Treks Through County (cont)
- her hand, Granny D is becoming a walking billboard. Wherever she goes a local leader presents her with either a t-shirt, cap or something. The t-shirts are worn during the walk, while most of the rest gets packed away in the van her son drives behind her.
- NCSO Busy With Mostly Misdemeanors
- Officers with the Nevada County Sheriff's Office have been busy during the first week of August.
- An attempted theft of a piece of farm machinery was thwarted by the machinery itself.
- A residential burglary was reported Saturday, Aug. 7, by Rebecca Daniel.
- Matt Angel, 22, of Prescott, learned drinking and driving don't mix.
- Bluff City
- Still no rain in these parts. I hate to mention the lack of rain, because by the time you read this it may be flooding. You know how this Arkansas weather is.
- Bodcaw
- I send happy anniversary wishes for J.D. and Marie Allen. It will be 60 years on the 12th. Many more.
- Boughton
- Roy Brown had some extra problems and had to be put back in intensive care at Wadley Hospital, but he is improving again. Hopefully he will be back in a room today.
- Caney
- Last week's news:
- This week's news:
- Sorry my news was not printed last week. I sent it by mail on Monday as usual and somehow it didn't get in.
- Hillcrest
- Visiting Mary E. Jackson this week was Lucy Hopson.
- Oak Grove
- We are still having some extremely hot weather. I have never seen such hot weather before. God is letting us know how hot it will be in hell. If we can't live together down here and say we are Christians we better read our Bible. God loves everybody. If w...
- Redland
- Charlie and Mel Cox from Ashdown visited his brothers, Pershing and George Cox and their families on Sunday.
- Rosston
- Marguerite Williams
- Deaths, Funerals
- Wanda M. Presley
- Wanda M. Presley, 73, of Delight died Monday, August 2, 1999, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Hot Springs.
- Marion Ethel Shackelford
- Marion Ethel Shackelford, 86, of Blevins died Tuesday, August 3, 1999, in Hot Springs.
- Coy Kenneth Glass
- Coy Kenneth Glass, 57, of Prescott died Sunday, August 8, 1999, in Prescott.
- Military News
- Army Pvt. Bradley J. Garner has arrived at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga., to complete basic military training.
- Here and There
- Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
- School Starts August 19 At Emmet; Teachers Named
- The first day of school for Emmet Public Schools will be Thursday, August 19, at 8 a.m.
- Ross Attacks Dickey
- State Senator Mike Ross of Prescott, Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress in District Four, challenged Congressman Jay Dickey to sign the discharge petition to allow a vote by the U.S. House of Representatives on the Shays-Meehan legislation, a bipartis...
- Veteran's Corner
- Carroll Morehead, CVSO
- Living Well
- If you intend to lose weight this year, you are not alone.
- Dougan Appointed To Youth Suicide Prevention Commission
- Rachael Dougan has been appointed to the Arkansas Youth Suicide Prevention Commission.
- Ramos To Perform
- Alejandra 'Alley' Louise Brooke Ramos, the seven-year-old daughter of Alex and Sarah Ramos of Prescott, has been chosen to perform at the Hope Watermelon Festival Saturday. She attends Prescott Elementary School, where she will be in the second grade.
- Open House Set At Prescott High
- Parents of students at Prescott High School are invited to join in the 1999 opening of school activities Wednesday morning, August 18, from 7:30 to 8:30.
- PMS Sets Open House
- Prescott Middle School will hold its annual public meeting and open house on Thursday, August 12.
- Performance Set For Fair
- This year during the Nevada County Fair there will be a gospel concert on Sunday, September 5, at 2 p.m. in the Potlatch building.
- Awards To Be Given Oct. 22
- Individuals and groups providing volunteer services to older Arkansans will be recognized by the presentation of Eldercare Volunteer Corps Awards on October 22.
- Blevins School Sets Open House For August 17
- Blevins School will hold an open house on Tuesday, August 17, from 5 to 7 p.m. Parents and guardians are invited to and meet their child's teacher at this time.
- Two Seminars Are Planned
- The Arkansas Forestry Association and the Quality Deer Management Association are sponsoring two free deer hunting and management seminars, one on August 17 at the Fordyce Civic Center and the other on August 24 at DeGray Lake State Park Lodge near Arkade...
- Campers On Area Lakes Will Be Proud to See Reservations Not Needed
- Campers at lakes Ouachita, Greeson and DeGray will be glad to learn that the future is rapidly changing back to the past.
- Howard Taylor Appointed To Small Cities Council
- Prescott Mayor Howard Taylor attended the summer steering committee meeting at the National League of Cities (NLC) Small Cities Council July 29-31 in Berbrook, Texas.
- Watermelon Festival Set
- The 23rd annual Hope Watermelon Festival is set for August 12 through 15 in Hope's Fair Park.
- Fair Parade August 31
- The Nevada County Fair parade will start at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, August 31.
- 60-Year Anniversary
- The children of Billy Bob and Elva McCraven Smith invite friends and family to join in a celebration honoring sixty years of marriage of their parents in the Prescott Church of Christ fellowship hall Saturday, August 14, from 2 to 4 p.m
- Purifoy, Bell Announce Wedding For August 14
- Amanda Bell of Gurdon and Michael Purifoy of Prescott would like to announce their upcoming marriage.
- Dinner Held At Henderson
- Your chance for an evening out with a great dinner and an opportunity to help the Arkansas Children's Hospital is just around the corner.
- Pageant Is Oct. 2
- The twenty-first annual Miss Tri-State Teen Scholarship pageant will be held Saturday, October 2 at Magnolia Junior High School auditorium.
- Benefit Set
- A benefit will be held for Gerald Craig at the Prescott Elementary School auditorium Friday, August 20.
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