Here are the stories in the Wednesday, April 7, 1999 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Stovall Fighting Termination
- A 26-year veteran of the Arkansas State Police is fighting to get his job back.
- Chamber Fashion Show April 17
- It's time once again for the annual Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Fashion Show.
- Rosston Examines Cable Issue
- Rosston could be getting into the cable television business, and it's no joke.
- Emmet School Library Vandalized
- Vandals struck the Emmet School library, leaving the front door a mess, while breaking a window.
- Arguments between a boyfriend and girlfriend resulted in the arrest of two others Wednesday, March 31.
- A Waldo man was charged with a second offense of driving while under the influence of intoxicating alcohol and/or drugs.
- A recent rash of church burglaries prompted an investigation leading to the arrest of one man.
- Some $4,500 worth of fishing gear was stolen from an area deer camp Sunday, April 1.
- Education is expensive, a lesson some people are slow to learn.
- March Was Extremely Wet Month
- Oh, how it rained in March.
- Bluff City
- Last week's news:
- Bodcaw
- Hope all had a happy Easter. A lot of families got together for the holiday.
- Boughton
- We had some rain over the weekend, but it held off long enough Sunday for Boughton and Shady Grove Churches to each enjoy the Easter sunrise services.
- Caney
- I hope you had a happy Easter. Our church was full Sunday morning. Bro. Jerry Don Wicker remarked, "One might thing it's Easter." We certainly agreed. We had baptismal service for Justin Marcum, Niki Barham and Tiffani Jarrett and a very good sermon.
- Hillcrest
- Mrs. Edyth Hughes' guest were Sam Rowe and daughter Betsy from Texas.
- Oak Grove
- The annual Sunday school program was held at Bethel A.M.E. Church Sunday, March 28. The theme was 'Lets Talk About Love.' Guest speaker was Sis. Constance Putilla from Dallas, Texas. Missionary Tessie Scott is her daughter. She is a wonderful speaker. Sh...
- Redland
- You all know I'm a nut about my electric blanket. All of you would know this man I'm about to tell you about if I called his name. So I'll just tell you he reached to turn his blanket on and to his surprise his wife had taken it off. To keep from calling ...
- Rosston
- Marguerite Williams
- Deaths, Funerals
- Veron DeWoody Krummel
- Vada Veron DeWoody Krummel died Sunday, March 21, 1999, in St. Louis, Mo.
- Nell Rae Allen
- Nell Rae Allen, 61, of Prescott died Thursday, April 1, 1999, in Texarkana.
- George Washington Hunter
- George Washington Hunter, 86, of Texarkana, Texas, died Thursday, April 1, 1999, at his residence.
- Joe Don Rocole
- Joe Don Rocole, 23, of Prescott died Saturday, April 3, 1999, in Magnolia.
- Richard Scott Johnson
- Richard Scott Johnson, 44, of Gurdon died Sunday, April 4, 1999, in his home.
- Blood Drive At Baptist Church April 13
- The Great Ozarks-Arkansas Region of American Red Cross Blood Services and the Prescott community will sponsor a blood drive on Tuesday, April 13, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.
- Free Training In April And May On Researching And Writing
- The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program will offer free training on researching and writing National Register of Historic Places nominations in April and May, State Historic Preservation officer Cathy Slater of the AHPP announced.
- Living Well
- If you have an Easter lily this month and would like to save it to bloom again, plant it outside after all blooms have ceased.
- If you are planning to sell your house this spring, or already have it on the market, remember that by making some minor home improvements it could help save you money by less time on the market.
- Here and There
- Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
- Glass, Sims To Wed April 24 In Birdtown
- Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Glass of Birdtown announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Valerie Renee, to Travis Lee Sims of Center Ridge.
- Library News
- The Nevada County Library announces three periods of activities for preschoolers, ages 3- 6.
- Ward To Speak Friday At School
- Jessie Ward, Miss West Central Arkansas representing 11 counties, will be speaking at the Prescott Elementary School Friday, April 9, at 1:00 p.m.
- Military News
- U.S. Army Pvt. Jeremy R. Barnett has graduated from basic military training at Fort Jackson near Columbia, S.C.
- College News
- Phillip Harris, son of Fred and Debbie Harris, of Prescott has been accepted at Harding University for the fall 1999 semester. Harris is a senior at Prescott High School, where he is a member of National Honor Society. Harding University is the largest pr...
- Farm and Home
- Fire ants cost farmers and homeowners millions of dollars each year. April has been designated Fire Ant Awareness Month in the state of Arkansas. Spring is a good time to learn how to control them.
- Softball Registration
- It's time once again for softball.
- Potlatch, ATCO Terminate Agreement
- Potlatch Corporation and Anderson-Tully Company (ATCO) announced March 31 the mutual termination of their February 1998 agreement to combine Potlatch's Arkansas timberlands and ATCO's timberlands into Timberland Growth Corporation (TGC).
- Contributions Are Welcome
- You can help the victims of the Kosovo crisis and other disasters by contributing to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
- BM-GW Sponsor Skills Fair April 10
- You do not want to miss Life Skills Fair, sponsored by the Boys to Men and Girls to Women (BM-GW) Coalition of Prescott. It will be held April 10 at Prescott Middle School.
- Cancer Group Meets Thursday
- Christus St. Michael Health Center in Prescott and the Nevada County Unit of the American Cancer Society will present a cancer support group at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 8, in the clinic's community room in Prescott.
- Health Unit Ensures Public's Safety
- Most of you probably know that you have a local health department in your county, and some of you may know that it is where you go to get birth certificates or your child immunized.
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