Here are the stories in the Wednesday, April 29, 1998 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Children's Festivities Held
- In celebration of Arkansas Children's Week, a parade was held at the Nevada County Courthouse.
- Unemployment Falls Slightly For County
- Unemployment in Nevada County fell slightly from January to February, according to information from the Arkansas Employment Security Division (ESD).
- Rotary Sets Fish Fry For May 7
- The annual Rotary Fish Fry will be held May 7.
- PMS Students Study Pioneers; Build Log Cabins
- Students in the Prescott Middle School Social Studies classes have been studying pioneers and the settlement of the west.
- Curley Wolves Finish Fourth In Local Meet
- Prescott's boys finished fourth, with the girls coming in eighth in the annual Merchant Relays Thursday.
- Curley Wolves Finish Fourth In Local Meet (cont)
- 11.41; Flemons, Prescott, 11.49; and McFadden, Nashville, 11.50.
- Curley Wolves In Baseball Regionals; Whip Fouke Twice
- Fouke felt the wrath of the Prescott Curley Wolves twice in a five-day span.
- National Day Of Prayer Set
- National Day of Prayer is an annual event for Americans of all faiths to take time to pray for the nation and its leaders. The National Day of Prayer Task Force focuses specifically on promoting the need to pray for our nation and those in position of cul...
- Art League To Meet May 5
- The newly formed Artesian Arts League will hold its first annual membership meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, upstairs over City Hall.
- Youth Task Force To Be Chartered
- A new organization is being chartered to involve youth ages 15-17 in development activities.
- Math School Takes PHS Pair
- Brett Wish and Christina Hopson have been accepted to the Arkansas School for Mathematics and Sciences in Hot Springs. They will begin school there in the fall.
- Rally Set At Oak Grove
- Joseph Hale, educator and former Nevada County Training School student, will speak at the Oak Grove Day Care benefit dinner and political rally Saturday, May 2, at the center near Rosston. The dinner will begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person.
- Blevins Barbecue Saturday
- The 12th annual area-wide benefit barbecue for the Arkansas Children's Hospital will be held on Saturday, May 2, at the Blevins Fire Station.
- PHS Student Jarrod Yates Elected State FBLA President
- Jarrod W. Yates, a junior at Prescott High School, was elected state president of the Arkansas Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) April 18 in Little Rock during the state convention.
- Program Is May 8 For PES
- Prescott Elementary School will present its President's Education Awards program Friday, May 8, at 1:45 p.m. in the Prescott High School auditorium.
- Thurman, May Set May Nuptials
- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thurman of Blevins and Mr. and Mrs. Robert May of Hope, announce the upcoming marriage of their children, Amy Corrine and Ronald Andrew.
- Fielding, Vines Wedding Planned
- Jerry Thomas Fielding of Bodcaw and James 'Bo' and Shirley Vines of Bodcaw, announce the upcoming marriage of their children, Leslie Lynn Fielding and Timothy Paul Vines.
- Vandiver, Koger Plan June Wedding
- Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Vandiver of Prescott announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Kelli Bron, to Michael Stan Koger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Koger of Prescott.
- Here And There
- Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellow-ship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
- Stinnett Speaks To Club
- Crystal Stinnett of the Sentimental Journey to the Southwestern Proving Grounds Committee recently spoke to the Prescott Kiwanis Club.
- Consultants Help With Recruiting
- Recruitment of new industry in Arkansas was stepped up recently when two highly- respected professional site consultants took a close look at the facilities Arkansas has to offer for new industries.
- Club News
- Rose Garden Club
- Boughton
- We got a nice little rain, but gardens still need more.
- Bodcaw
- Last week's news:
- Caney
- Ken Karmel made a business trip to Chicago last week.
- Hillcrest
- Mrs. Cedailia Burke from Hope visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dillard, Monday as did another daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bob Rhodes from Rosston, Tuesday. Their son, J.E. Dillard from Rosston, visited on Friday.
- Oak Grove
- We had a really good quarterly conference Sunday. Presiding elder Rev. Thomas Adair really did preach good. We have had a good presiding elder. Our guest were our president of our lay organization, Bro. David Fielding, and wife from Magnolia and our new n...
- Redland
- By the time you get your paper, April is nearly gone and as I write this its really cold.
- Rosston
- Marguerite Williams
- Deaths, Funerals
- Bobby F. Smith
- Bobby F. Smith, 68, of Prescott died Monday, April 20, 1998, in Hope.
- Alvin E. Stewart
- Alvin E. Stewart, 78, of Prescott, died Tuesday, April 21, 1998, in St. Michael Hospital in Texarkana, Texas.
- Issac'Dick' Hunter
- Issac Newton 'Dick' Hunter, 80, of Hope died Thursday, April 23, 1998, at Heather Manor North in Hope.
- Juanita Hawkins
- Juanita Hawkins, 74, of Prescott died Wednesday, April 22, 1998, at Hillcrest Care Center.
- Cholie Mae Thomas
- Cholie Mae (Ellis) Thomas, 71, of Delight died Friday, April 24, 1998, at a Murfreesboro hospital.
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