Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Children's Festivities Held

Published Wednesday, April 29, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

In celebration of Arkansas Children's Week, a parade was held at the Nevada County Courthouse.

Children from local day care facilities were given a police escort as they carried their banners around the courthouse concluding the parade at the steps.

Once the parade had ended, Rep. Sandra Rodgers and State Sen. Mike Ross spoke to them and read a book about Miss Wishy Washy.

Ross told the children how important reading is and how they should ask their parents to read to them and read along with them. He also pointed out this was National Library Week as well as Arkansas Children's Week.

Ross read "Miss Wishy Washy" to the children while Rodgers, the Rev. Jim Linderman, with the First United Methodist Church, and other county officials presented a puppet show, acting out what the characters in the book did.

Rodgers had brought items for the children from the capitol, including pencils, coloring books on good health, rocks from across Arkansas from the geological commission and pins from the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism.

This was followed by the children presenting their teachers with roses and serenading the crowd gathered on the courthouse lawn with a variety of songs.

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