Here are the stories in the Wednesday, May 1, 1996 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- CCCS Now Offering Financial Assistance
- To Local Workers At Closed Prescott Manufacturing Plant
- Workers who lost their jobs when Prescott Manufacturing closed its doors last week can get help.
- Awards Meted Out At Banquet
- A packed Prescott Middle School cafetorium was told we need to work together by Tracy Steele Saturday night.
- Two Charged In Woman's Attack
- Two suspects have been arrested and charged in the assault and rape of a 68-year-old Prescott woman.
- Serving Firest Term As Arkansas Legislator --
- Accident Kills Banker, Farmer
- A freak riding accident claimed the life of freshman representative Gerald Hendrix Wednesday, April 24.
- Two Political Rallies Are This Weekend
- The Nevada County Democratic Central Committee will host two of the county's largest political rallies this weekend.
- Three Democrats Seek Sheriff's Job
- Otwell To Work On County Peace And Harmony
- In seeking the position of Nevada County Sheriff, Steve Otwell brings four years as a part-time certified deputy.
- Vines Wants To Keep Protecting County Residents
- Making sure the people of Nevada County are protected is keeping incumbent Nevada County Sheriff Harold Vines busy these days.
- Lindsey Says He Can Knock Drugs Out Of The Area
- General knowledge is what Themious Lindsey, candidate for Nevada County Sheriff, will bring to the post, if elected.
- Person Named Outstanding Dietetic Student
- Joanna Beth Person of Prescott, a senior dietetics major at Ouachita Baptist University, has been selected as Arkansas' outstanding dietetic student of the year.
- Area Students To Graduate From HSU
- Henderson State University will confer approximately 300 degrees in the spring commencement ceremony Saturday, May 11, at 10:00 a.m. in Carpenter-Haygood Stadium.
- Benefit BBQ Is Saturday in Blevins
- The 10th annual area-wide benefit barbecue for the Arkansas Children's Hospital will be held Saturday, May 4, at the Blevins Fire Station.
- Wingfield Seeks Council Position
- Donna Wingfield has announced her candidacy for Prescott City Councilman in Ward Four.
- New Officers Installed In Prescott Delta Kappa Gamma
- The Upsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met March 15 at the Farm Bureau building.
- PCFA.ORG Reaches Goal; Back On-Line
- Senator Mike Ross (center) presents Prescott Community Freenet Association with a check for $5,000 from the Governor's Emergency Fund Sunday. Receiving the check are Eddie Daniel (left) and Danny Stewart. Ross telephone Gov. Jim Guy Tucker after the Ap...
- Rotary Fish Fry Is May 9
- The annual Rotary Club fish fry is all set for Thursday, May 9, in the Prescott Elementary School cafetorium.
- Joe Johnson Seeks Ward 4, Position 2 Councilman's Job
- Joe Johnson seeks the positon as Prescott City Councilman in Ward Four, Position Two.
- Obituaries
- Jessica Fuller
- Jessica Leighann Fuller, three-month-old infant, died April 19, 1996, in Nashville.
- Charles William Smith
- Charles William Smith, 72, of Magnolia died Tuesday, April 23, 1996, in the Magnolia hosptial.
- Ollie Mae Johnson
- Ollie Mae Johnson, 74, of Lewsiville died Friday, April 19, 1996, in a Texarkana hospital.
- Murlean Purifoy
- Murlean Purifoy, 64, of Bluff City died Sunday, April 21, 1996, in Medical Park Hospital in Hope.
- Gerald Clayton Hendrix
- Gerald Clayton Hendrix, 63, of Antoine died Wednesday, April 26, 1996, in Antoine.
- Adrean Marie Jones
- Adrean Marie Jones, 76, of Prescott died Saturday, April 27, 1996.
- Winnie Belle Hooker
- Winnie Belle Hooker, 71, of Prescott, died Sunday, April 28, 1996, in Prescott.
- Curley Wolves Open Up Tournament With Win
- Prescott's diamond Wolves opened last week by clipping DeQueen 5-3, Tuesday, April 23.
- Curley Wolves Open Up Tournament With Win (cont)
- f. Jones then reached on an error, which saw Cowling score.
- Curley Wolves In State Track Meet Saturday
- The AA state track and field meet will be held this Saturday at Heber Springs.
- PHS Track Full of Tradition, Rivalry
- The Curley Wolf track and field program is so rich in pride and tradition that it helped them over the Stamps Yellowjackets last Thursday night at Nashville.
- Wolverettes End Season
- Prescott's Wolverettes proved they were willing to get wet for their sport as they played five innings of softball in the rain Monday, April 22.
- Cubs Finish Fourth In 7AA District Meet
- The Prescott Cubs finished fourth overall in total team standings at the district 7AA track and field championships held last week in Nashville. De Queen's junior team dominated in all events to win the championship with 154 points.
- Little League Schedules Given
- The Prescott Little League schedule has been released for this season. The team listed first is the home team.
- Prescott's Girls Teams Close Track Season
- The girls' track and field teams from Presott High School and Presott Middle School were represented well at the 7AA District Track Meet held in Nashville last Thursday.
- Kelsey To Weave Tales At Chamber Banquet
- Steve Kelsey of Eureka Springs will be at this year's Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce banquet on Tuesday, May 14, to provide some special entertainment.
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