Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

New Officers Installed In Prescott Delta Kappa Gamma

Published Wednesday, May 1, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

The Upsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met March 15 at the Farm Bureau building.

The business meeting was conduted by Wanda Fincher.

Installation of new officers was led by Wanda Haynie.

Officers for the next biennium are president, Micki Johnston; first vice president, Betty Turner; second vice president, Debra Culpepper; recording secretary, Jane Purtle; and corresponding secretary, Wanda Haynie.

Janice Harrison introduced the guest speaker, Mary Medearis. Medearis is the author of Doc's Big Girl and she gave an interesting talk about other Arkansas authors.

Hostesses were Micki Johnston, June Johnson, Jane Purtle and Linda Stockton.

There were 22 members present. Guests were former members Nellie Rae Gordon and Alena Scott.

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