Here are the stories in the Wednesday, January 19, 2000 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Property Appraisal To Begin This Week Across County
- A group will be traveling around Nevada County this week appraising property.
This is being done because land in the area hasn't been appraised since 1982 and is out of compliance. Additionally, the state has mandated all counties not in compliance be r...
- Emmet, Contractor At Odds Over Work
- Emmet Mayor Dale Booker told council members at the regular monthly meeting about problems the city is having with its contractor who installed water lines.
According to Booker, the contractor claimed the job was done and left. The engineer, Christian...
- Emmet City Budget Is Good
- Emmet's overall budget looked a whole lot better than projected, when all was said and done.
The Emmet City Council, in its regular monthly meeting Wednesday, Jan. 12, approved adjustments to the 1999 document to bring everything up to date.
The city r...
- ESB To Network New Computers
- New computers have been purchased by the Emmet School District and will soon be networked.
Dr. Gene Ross, Emmet superintendent, told the Emmet School Board the district received $56,000 in grant money and has bought 16 new computers.
He said 13 of thes...
- Health Unit Targets May 1 Opening For Offices
- If everything goes according to plan, the new Nevada County Health Unit will open its doors on May 1, 2000.
Janet McAdams, NCHU director, said this is the target date, but things could change because of weather conditions. Currently, she said, the contr...
- JPs Adjust 1999 Budget
- Nevada County Justices of the Peace (JPs) approved a measure to change the 1999 budget to pay for reappraisal work which is set to begin this week.
JPs voted to increase 90% of the estimated revenue for county general in 1999 to $1.32 million from $1.24...
- Economic Outlook Improves In Arkansas
- More than 9,200 jobs were created from efforts in 1999 with an average hourly wage of $12.10 by the Arkansas Department of Economic Development, according to officials with the department.
Barbara Pardue, director of the department, has been traveling a...
- Bodcaw
- I hear Mrs. Nettie Bowman got home this week after being away in the hospital and rehab. We wish the best for her.
On Thursday, Ted and Carol Claus of San Antonio came for a couple of days. He saw some jobs he wanted to do for me, such as putting up a s...
- Boughton
- We are having unusual weather even for Arkansas.
Terry and Boletta Crabtree of Ft. Worth, Texas, spent the weekend here with her family. Boletta's birthday was January 15. Her brother, Herbie, had a birthday on the 16th. Herbie's granddaughter, Ashley B...
- Caney
- Betty McBride and Dale are still on the sick list. Dale had a heart attack while in veterans hospital.
We were proud to see Suzanne Cross in church Sunday. She is still recuperating from surgery.
Among our visitors at Morris Sunday were Bro. Tal Webb's...
- Fair Hill
- The year 2000 seems to be bringing all kinds of sadness. I hope and pray it will get better.
This weekend Dillon Ridling from Broizia, Texas, came down to visit his dad and his family. While down he celebrated his 8th birthday with a party. Those celebr...
- Hillcrest
- J.E. Dillard from Rosston spent Monday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dillard.
Bro. Hardie from Nashville visited Carman Hendrix Tuesday.
Terry Dale Wicker from Hope and Martha Parmer from Caney visited their mother, Irene Wicker, Sunday.
Hazel Walt...
- Oak Grove
- Connie Lee Box's funeral was held Friday, December 31, at New Direction Baptist Church in Rockford, Ill., with Rev. Clarence Holman pastor. Connie was born in Chidester to Beasley Box and Addie Box. He married Brodie Gulley in 1944 and he was the father ...
- Redland
- My news is nearly all deaths and sympathy to the families who have lost loved ones.
Jerri Haynie, wife of George Howard Haynie, was buried at Liberty Church of the Nazarene on Thursday. Her mother-in-law, Glendene Haynie, was buried about two weeks ago...
- Caution: Stupid Drivers
- Come in, sit down and shut up. Class is now in session at the school of hard knocks and we're taking no prisoners.
Today's lesson is on driving, how it is done and how it should be done.
If you'll recall, we had a lesson a while back concerning trucker...
- We Get Letters
- Dear Editor:
What Mike Ross didn't tell in his legislature action in '99 was Prescott with the highest electric rates in the state will never be able to choose their electricity company because Mike Ross and the legislature passed Act 1556 of 1999 with a...
- Deaths, Funerals
- Geraldine Haynie, 64, of Hope died Mon., Jan. 10, 2000, at St. Michael's in Texarkana.
Mrs. Haynie was born Sept. 4, 1935, in Pittsburgh, Kan., to Lewis and Hazel Mae Simpson McCool. She was a retired school teacher and a member of the Hope Community Ch...
- Deaths, Funerals
- Anna Bell Grayson Clark of Gurdon died Tues., Jan. 4, 2000.
Mrs. Clark was the widow of W.T. Clark and was a very active member of Beech Street Baptist Church of Gurdon. She was the daughter of the late Frank Taylor Grayson and Adrah McMillion Grayson of...
- Deaths, Funerals
- Martha Eloise Bullock Manning, 91, of Prescott died Tues., Jan. 11, 2000, in Hope.
Mrs. Manning was born April 17, 1908, in Stamps to Classie and Willie Lambert Bullock. She was a housewife.
Survivors include two daughters and one son-in-law, Bobbie Boo...
- Deaths, Funerals
- Lavona Rutherford, 48, of Bodcaw died Tues., Jan. 11, 2000, from injuries received in a truck accident in Kent, Texas.
Mrs. Rutherford was born May 27, 1951, in Clinton, Mo. She was a truck driver and a member of Bodcaw #2 Church.
Survivors include her ...
- Deaths, Funerals
- Pauline Ingram Aiken, 97, of Hope died Sun., Jan. 16, 2000, at Medical Park Hospital in Hope.
Mrs. Aiken was born January 15, 1903, in Nevada County to James Culpepper and Pinkney Paralee Merritt Ingram. She was a homemaker, a retired caregiver and gener...
- Deaths, Funerals
- Florence Butcher McGough, 89, of Gladewater, Texas, died Thurs,, Jan. 13, 2000.
Mrs. McGough was born Aug. 19, 1910, in Prescott. She was a homemaker and a Baptist She was preceded in death by her husband, Presley Munn McGough.
Survivors include one son...
- Here and There
- Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellow-ship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
Al-Anon, for those affected by another's drinking, meets Thursday
evenings at 8:00 in the church. For
more i...
- Sen. Ross Leads In Fundraising
- State Senator Mike Ross of Prescott, candidate for hte Democratic nomination for the United States Congress from the Fourth District of Arkansas, set another new Arkansas record for the most money ever raised by a non-incumbent in an off-election year. H...
- Smith, Fountain To Wed January 29
- Phillis Smith of Hope and Miles Fountain of Prescott announce their engagement and upcoming marriage.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Kenneth Bud' and Donna Smith of Hope.
She is the granddaughter of Edna Smith and the late Roy Smith of Hope and th...
- Helping Hands EHC
- The Bluff City Helping Hands Extension Homemakers Club met January 14 for its regular meeting. There were 13 members present.
Marguerite Tomlin, president, called the meeting to order.
The club was honored to have Candace Carrie visiting.
The members ...
- Aspirin Good For Flu, But Not Kids
- With one death attributed to Reye's syndrome during this year's flu season in Arkansas, doctors at Arkansas Children's Hospital (ACH) are reminding parents about the dangers of giving aspirin to children under 18 years of age.
A rare but life-threatenin...
- Cemetery Publications Available
- The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program now offers two publications that can be used to preserve and publicize the state's many historic cemeteries, State Historic Preservation officer Cathy Slater of the AHPP announced.
Grave Concerns: A Preservatio...
- Living Well
- If you don't manage your time, it will be managed for you. It will be scheduled and stolen by others who need you. Time invested in the process of living is as important as the tangible, measurable things.
Good relationships don't just happen, they take...
- Basketball Homecoming Set
- The Prescott High School Wolves and Wolverettes and their fans will celebrate their first homecoming for basketball on Tuesday, January 25.
The homecoming court includes all seniors who are members of the Wolves and Wolverette basketball teams. Festivit...
- Local Lions Club Busy
- It was a busy year for the Prescott Lions Club in 1999.
Overall, the club raised more than $11,000 during the year, which was about $1,000 more than it raised in 1998.
The best part is these funds were dispersed to various charities and organizations t...
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