Here are the stories in the Wednesday, February 11, 1998 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Benton Honored For Work On Nevada Board
- Friends and associates of Davis Benton gathered Saturday to pay tribute for his 10 years of service to the Nevada School Board.
- Artwork For 1998 Chicken & Egg Festival Being Sought
- In an effort to spotlight Nevada County's artists, the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce will sponsor an art design contest for the 1998 Chicken and Egg festival T-shirt.
- Backflow Meters Are To Be Installed In Rosston Businesses
- Businesses in Rosston will soon have to install backflow meters to prevent contamination of the city's water system.
- Howard Taylor Seeks Reelection
- Prescott Mayor Howard Taylor announces his bid for reelection as mayor.
- Chamber Plans Retail Meeting
- Text of story not available.
- John Henderson To See 2nd Term
- Text of story not available.
- Rogers Seeks 2nd Term
- State Rep. Sandra Rodgers announces her plans to seek reelection to the Arkansas House of Representatives from district 28.
- Joe Short Seeks Spot As Judge
- College News
- Julianna Marie Bruno, the daughter of Buddy and Janice Carter of Prescott, has been named to the dean's list at Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, Okla.
- Home Built On Site Following Tornado
- Sometimes good things can come out of disasters.
- Living Well
- Schee, Wells Tell Plans
- Lisa Schee and Tommy Wells announce their approaching wedding.
- Monthly Calendar To Be Kept By Chamber
- The Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce has announced a new service for area residents. The chamber office will manage a monthly calendar of community events.
- Reception Is Planned
- The Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce has announced a new service for area residents. The chamber office will manage a monthly calendar of community events.
- Check Septic Before Buying Home
- Have you been thinking about moving to the country?
- Johnston Earns Spot In Air Force Academy
- Al Johnston, a senior at Prescott High School has been appointed to the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo.
- 4-H Outdoor Volunteers Wanted
- 4-H has a new way for adults to heed the call of the great outdoors by becoming an Arkansas 4-H Master Backpacker/Outdoor Skills volunteer.
- Wolverettes Continue Wins Against Conference Foes
- Prescott's Wolverettes continued their quest toward the elusive state title with convincing wins over Fouke and Nashville last week.
- Wolverettes Continue Wins Against Conference Foes (cont)
- Nevada Squads Win At Homecoming
- A swarthy group of pirates invaded Nevada High School's homecoming Friday night.
- Salb Earns Honors In NEW 8 Conference
- Amanda Salb, a member of the Mount Holyoke College basketball team, was named player of the week for the NEW 8 Conference for January 27.
- Festival Planned
- Old Washington Historic State Park begins final preparations for its 30th annual Jonquil Festival which will be held March 6, 7 and 8. The event will run from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day.
- Jesna Cornelius Earns Savings Bond At Show
- Jesna Cornelius, a senior at Prescott High School, has received a $100 U.S. Savings Bond from TruServ Corporation and will go to state judging level.
- Rainfall Up In January
- It was a rainy month in Nevada County.
- Nevada County's Employment Stable
- There was stability in the employment situation in Nevada County from October to November, according to the Arkansas Employment Security Division.
- AHPP Art, Essay Contest, Seeks Entries From Students
- The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, will sponsor its seventh annual "Preserve Our Past" historic preservation art and essay contest for Arkansas fifth-graders, AHPP director Cathy Slater announced ...
- Watch For Improper Solicitations
- This is the time of year when people receive requests from groups for volunteers to go door to door and collect money for cancer causes.
- Settlement Reached In School Funding Formula
- from State Sen. Mike Ross
- Funds Available After November Storms
- Administrator Keith Kelly has named Hempstead County as eligible for Farm Service Agency emergency farm loans due to damages and losses by a tornado and hail storm that occurred on Nov-ember 5, 1997.
- Randy Strausser To Head Boy Scouts' Drive
- Randy Strauser of Prescott was named chairman of this year's Boy Scout fund- raising drive.
- Obituaries
- Alonzo Martin Cottingham
- Alonzo Martin Cottingham, 82, of Prescott, died Tuesday, February 3, 1998, in Wadley Hospital in Texarkana, Texas.
- Oak Grove
- s
- Redland
- Can't tell if it's winter or springtime, but ain't it nice?
- Caney
- Powell Cross is scheduled for cancer operation this week.
- Hillcrest
- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sattworth from Shreveport, La., visited her Aunt Grace Dowing Friday.
- Rosston
- Marguerite Williams
- Boughton
- I went to my doctor in Texarkana Monday. He let the cast be taken off my leg, but I'm still having problems making it cooperate. It doesn't want to walk.
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