Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, February 11, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Marguerite Williams

Rosston First Baptist will be in revival March 25, 26 and 27 with Bro. Ray Bowman of Bodcaw doing the preaching on Wednesday night, Bro. Daniel Williams of Texarkana on Thursday night and Bro. David Cook of Union on Friday night. Remember them and our church in your prayers.

Carl and Brenda Vanderveer left this morning for Midland, Texas, where Carl will be working for State Farm Insurance Company there. They flew them to Midland last week and they found a house to buy.

Grandson Marty Williams is buying their house in Texarkana. Roscoe and I carried him a refrigerator this week and his dad and wife, Dwight and Marion Williams, gave him a washer, dryer and a set of mattresses. Roscoe and I weren't quite this lucky when we started keeping house.

LaVergne White's sister, Genaulda Burris of Puducah, Ky., has been having heart problems, but is a little better. Remember her in prayer.

Roy Howard Bailey's friend, Bonnie Ketcheem, of St. Charles, Mo., called me one day this week and reports that Roy doesn't have cancer anymore, thanks to answered prayers. Roy, we will continue to pray for you.

Sympathy goes out to Reeder Hunter's relatives. She passed away this week and graveside services were held by Bro. Jerry Westmoreland at Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Paul and Dot Broussard, Joe, Virginia and Odeal Dillard, Margaret Jackson, and Roscoe and I attended.

Our guests for the weekend were Dr. and Mrs. Barney Kyzar of Marion. Dr. Kyzar and Roscoe attended homecoming and the 10th anniversary of Nevada School on Friday night. Refreshments were served afterwards.

On Saturday, Roscoe and I carried them and granddaughter, Ginger and Tyler, to Bryce's Cafeteria in Texarkana for lunch.

Saturday night, Dr. and Mrs. Kyzar attended an event and supper at Western Sizzlin in Hope honoring Davis Benton for the work he did at Nevada School while serving on the board.

Roscoe and I, Jimmy Williams, Bill and Maxine Freeman and Ricky, Vicki and Tamera Marlar all of Prescott and Tonda Pennington of Willisville had supper at the Feed House on Saturday night in Magnolia. Afterward, we helped Kathryne Rocole celebrate her fourth birthday at their home in Magnolia. Kathryn had fever so she, Tori and Booie did not get to eat with us. Kathryne received many gifts and we all enjoyed birthday cake, ice cream, nuts and Coke.

Little Miss Hannah Gaines won 'Miss Photogenic' at the pageant in Foulke on Saturday night. She is the great granddaughter of Jim and Mona Dixon of our church.

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