Here are the stories in the Wednesday, May 10, 2000 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Top Nevada High School Seniors For Class Of 2000
- NHS TOP SENIORS - Nevada High School's top seniors are (top row, l-r) Justin Curtis, Carlesha Mixon, Melanie Williams, Melissa Niemeyer, Lacey Pipkin, Brittany Bailey and LaShanna Dillard; (bottom row, l-r) Amber Hawthorne, Jeff Pinto, Brenisha Young, Be...
- Wildflowers In Full Bloom
- PLETHORA OF YELLOW - These yellow flowers are found in several fields around Nevada County - similar to those next to Red River Knitting on Highway 67. Warm temperatures and sunshine drove area residents outdoor over the weekend after last weeks rain.
- Hurdling Towards The Finish
- POINTS MAN - Prescott Curley Wolf hurdler Brad Harris (center) competes during the state Class AAA track event this past weekend. Harris and Aaron Hearnsberger were the only two track athletes to compete from Prescott and managed a tenth place overall fi...
- Dear John
- Dear Editor,
In May many of our readers will add plans for a Mother's Day celebration to their busy calendars. They may take mom to a movie, out to dinner or plan a family picnic. I would like to take this opportunity to suggest the perfect Mother's Day ...
- 1995 Agreement That AG Did Not Approve To Be Amended
- An amendment will be made to the interlocal agreement between Prescott and Nevada County concerning the dispatching of law enforcement officers.
According to Prescott City Attorney Glenn Vasser, the amendment is needed to make the Nevada County Sheriff ...
- Past Due Accounts List Grows Larger
- Cycle one, for the Prescott utilities, had 52 overdue accounts, according to city records.
The City of Prescott has three billing cycles for its electric customers, each sent out on different days. This was done under the Joe Tate McGill administration ...
- Annexation Of 20 More Acres Planned By Prescott
- A petition has been filed to annex a 20-acre plot of ground into the Prescott city limits.
A hearing concerning this annexation will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday, June 1 in the Nevada County Courthouse with Nevada County Judge James Roy Brown presiding.
- Rescue Course Is Planned For Saturday
- Emergency personnel will have the opportunity to participate in a helicopter ground support and patient extrication course Saturday, May 13.
The course will be held at the Emmet Community Center from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. with a break for lunch from noon ...
- Nevada High School Graduation Is May 18; Top Seniors Named
- Nevada High School graduation exercises will be held Thursday, May 18, at 7 p.m. in the school gymnasium.
The address to the seniors will be given by Judge Lavenski Smith, Associate Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court. Fifty-five seniors will be gradu...
- Baccalaureate Services Set For Prescott Seniors
- The Ministerial Alliance of Prescott is sponsoring a baccalaureate service next week for the Prescott graduating class of 2000.
Everyone is invited to share in the celebration of this milestone in the lives of these young adults.
The service will be ...
- Dr. Fitzgeral Hill To Speak At Kiwanis Honors Banquet
- The Prescott Kiwanis Club will have its annual honors banquet Monday, May 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the McRae Middle School cafetorium.
The club honors the top scholastic students at Prescott High School each year with a banquet. Tribute will be paid to the s...
- Ivan Shell Hildebrand
- Ivan Shell Hildebrand, 96, passed away Saturday, April 29, 2000, in Round Rock, Texas, with his daughters by his side.
Mr. Hildebrand was born June 20, 1903, in Prescott to James Thomas and Alice Bolls Hildebrand. Although his professional career encomp...
- Ralph Hardey Carrington
- Ralph Hardey Carrington, 71, of Tyler, Texas, died Friday, May 1, 2000.
Mr. Carrington was born October 19, 1928, in Prescott to Leon and Josephine Carrington. He was a textbook representative for Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. He was in the U.S. Arm...
- Hillcrest Plans Events For Nursing Home Week
- In observance of National Nursing Home Week May 14-20 Hillcrest Care and Rehab will host a series of events designed to enrich the relationships among residents, youth, community members, family and staff, according to Margie Johnson, administrator of Hil...
- Hillcrest News
- Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dillard last week were Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Dillard, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bob Rhodes and granddaughter, along with other family members.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Combs from St. Louis, Mo., are spending a few days with her mother, Gl...
- Bluff City News
- Looks like gas prices are creeping up again. I guess I need to invest in a funnel to use to gas up my mower. I would hate to waste a drop of that precious liquid.
There was a larger crowd this year at the Bluff City community homecoming. I don't know wh...
- Caney News
- TNT Kids of Morris Baptist Church, their sponsors and their parents had fun day Saturday at Play-by-Play' in Hot Springs. They left Caney early and stopped at McDonald's in Arkadelphia for breakfast. They, along with the parents, enjoyed the playground ...
- Boughton News
- We have had rain and more rain.
Lawner and Arleen West visited Syble Brown Tuesday.
Angie and Gary Beck spent the weekend at their cabin home near Branson, Mo.
Douglas and Carol Johnson of Little Rock and Gaye and Don Shelton and granddaughters Maria ...
- Redland News
- Since I missed writing last week, we would like to extend our sympathy to the Ivan Hildebrand family. He and his family spent most of their life in the Redland community.
Neil's sister and her husband, Amanda and Don, from Bryant spent Sunday with us.
- Bodcaw News
- Rain, rain, didn't we have rain last week. Maybe we are catching up some on water.
I guess it is time to wish happy birthday to Marie Hall on the 1st; Christy Nevis on the 14th; Walker Flowers on the 15th and Phyllis Butler on the 16th.
The Bluff City ...
- April Showers Below Normal
- April showers may bring May flowers, but there were few showers during the month of April.
According to local meteorologist John Teeter, Prescott was almost two inches below normal in rainfall for April. The normal amount the area receives during the fo...
- Political Rally Set At Oak Grove
- Oak Grove District Civic League's annual spring banquet and political rally will be held Saturday, May 13, at 7 p.m. at the Oak Grove Civic Center in Rosston (Oak Grove community).
All candidates running for office will be given an opportunity to commun...
- Festival Time Nearing; Planned For June 2-3
- Believe it or not, it's time for the 13th Annual Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Chicken and Egg Festival.
This year's festival will be held Friday and Saturday, June 2-3, at the Prescott city park.
Mary Godwin, Chamber director, said the f...
- Moore, Page Wedding Is May 27
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Joseph of Stamps announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Jennifer Elaine Moore, to Terrell L. Page, son of Elder and Mrs. Donald Page of Willisville. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mary Moore Joseph and...
- Strickland, Harwell Plan June 10 Nuptials
- Mr. and Mrs. Danny Strickland of Ridge Spring, S.C., are proud to announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Leslie, to Ben Harwell of Star, N.C.
Ben is the son of Matt and Pat Harwell of the Falcon-Willisville area.
The bride-...
- Ammons, Robbins Wedding Is This Weekend
- Plans have been finalized for the wedding of Kristi Ammons to Rickie Robbins.
Kristie is the daughter of James and Judy Ammons of Prescott. Rickie is the son of Audrey Robbins of Hope.
The wedding will take place this Saturday, May 13, at 6 p.m. at the...
- Ramos To Perform In Texarkana
- Alejandra Alley' Ramos has been honored with the opportunity to perform in Texarkana, Texas, May 13 at 6 p.m. in the REA building for the annual banquet of Home Instruction Program For Preschool Youngsters,' (HIPPY).
Ramos is the 8-year-old daughter o...
- Here & There - News That Matters To Nevada County
- Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellow-ship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
Al-Anon, for those affected by another's drinking, meets Thursday
evenings at 8:00 in the church. For
more i...
- Area School Menus
- Menus for the area schools for the week of May 15-19 are as follows. All meals are served with milk. Breakfast in Prescott Schools is served from 8:00 to 8:30 and lunch is served between 11:30 and 12:00.
Prescott School District
The McRae Middle School ...
- College News - Scott Robertson
- Scott Robertson, a senior at Prescott High School, was awarded a band performance scholarship to SAU.
Robertson plans to major in wildlife management.
He is the son of Richard and Rhonda Robertson of Chidester.
- College News - Donisha L. Williamson
- Donisha L. Williamson, a senior at Prescott High School, has been awarded an alumni scholarship to SAU. The scholarship includes resident tuition for four years.
In high school Williamson is a member of Future Business Leaders of America and on the hono...
- College News - Amber Young
- The Office of University Relations/Admissions at Henderson State University has announced that Amber Young has been awarded the community college transfer scholarship.
The scholarship is equivalent to in-state tuition fees and for two years, which equal...
- College News - Misty Brown
- Misty R. Brown, a senior at Prescott High School, was named the recipient of an achievement award to Southern Arkansas University (SAU) in Magnolia. The four-year scholarship is based on ACT scores and pays partial tuition.
Brown plans to major in psych...
- College News - Lacey Pipkin
- Lacey R. Pipkin, a senior at Nevada High School, recently received a leadership award to SAU. To be nominated for a leadership award students must exhibit exemplary leadership skills, have a 3.0 or better grade point average and score above a 21 on the A...
- Tri-Service Club
- The Tri-Service Club met on April 27 at the home of Sherry Jordan with Judy Vasser as co-hostess.
During the business meeting funds were allocated to several worthwhile projects. Those receiving donations were Prescott Elementary School, $1,187.50; Pres...
- Charmett Club
- The April meeting of the Charmett Civic and Social Club was held in the conference room of Wolves.
The meeting was called to order by the interim president, Mae Hamilton. Yvonne Thomas gave the devotional. The minutes were read by Verion Adams, secretar...
- About 50 Residents Gather For National Day Of Prayer
- About 50 people came together May 4 in Prescott with around two million believers across the United States to pray for our communities on the 49th National Day of Prayer.
The local group gathered for its third annual prayer gathering. They asked God to ...
- Entergy Honors City Of Prescott At Luncheon
- Prescott was one of 19 cities recognized at a luncheon in Little Rock April 12 as an alumnus Team City Partner with Entergy's economic development department, Teamwork Arkansas. Four new Team City Partners were recognized as well.
Team City Partners are...
- Hawthorne Is Named Top Student At Colo. School
- Regina Hawthrone, a freshman at Westminister High School in Westminister, Colo., received honors as student of the month for March.
Hawthorne is the daughter of Jimmy and Joyce Hawthorne of Westminister, formerly of Gurdon.
She is the granddaughter of ...
- Farm & Home with Rex Dollar
- Bermuda grass fertilization is influenced by many factors. Three of these factors include native soil fertility, bermuda grass type (common or hybrid) and the production level or yield that is desired for a particular pasture or hay meadow.
In Universit...
- Living Well with the Carrie Connection
- The Nevada County Extension Homemakers Council is once again handling the American Red Cross Blood Drive in the county.
The blood drive is held six times a year to assist the Red Cross in maintaining a three-day reserve in the state of Arkansas. By Neva...
- Emmet School Board Decides Against School Uniforms
- There will be no uniforms at the Emmet schools for students.
The district's uniform committee met with the Emmet School Board Monday, May 1, and recommended uniforms not be required for students.
Board member Jack Faulkner said the committee and distri...
- PHS Track Duo Finish 10th In State Meet
- Prescott seniors Aaron Hearnsberger and Brad Harris both qualified to compete in the AAA state track meet held last Friday, May 5, in Heber Springs.
Harris qualified in the 300 intermediate hurdles at the district meet in Prescott with a time of 39.3, w...
- Potlatch Awards Scholarships
- The Potlatch Foundation for Higher Education announced its award of 17 college scholarships valued at more than $95,000 to Arkansas high school graduates.
The renewable four-year scholarships, worth $1,400 a year, are renewable on an annual basis for fo...
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