Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

About 50 Residents Gather For National Day Of Prayer

Published Wednesday, May 10, 2000 in the Nevada County Picayune

About 50 people came together May 4 in Prescott with around two million believers across the United States to pray for our communities on the 49th National Day of Prayer.

The local group gathered for its third annual prayer gathering. They asked God to bless their efforts as they prayed reclaiming their neighborhoods for Jesus.

Civic leaders Ron Wright, superintendent of Prescott School District, and Steve Otwell, Nevada County Sheriff, led prayers on behalf of the schools and law enforcement.

Yvonne Thomas, a local school music teacher, directed a choir of young ladies combining the Prescott and Emmet Schools in two numbers. The choir closed with the powerful Battle Hymn of the Republic.

James Duke, representing First Baptist Church of Prescott, prayed for all those in authority. He prayed that the nation's leaders would remain strong in their faith or repent and return to God. He prayed that they would seek to serve God in a manner that is worthy of their positions of authority.

Robin Nygaard, pastor of First Presbyterian, directed the gathering in a prayer of unity that all become one; that all those who lift up the name of Jesus would love one another and come together to work together as one.

Michael Jimerson, youth pastor of Central Baptist Church, asked God for the youth today who will be growing up to lead the twenty-first century America.

Personal awakening and moral renewal was the focus of the prayer of pastor Annie Hubbard of Cothran Chapel. Each one agreed as the pastor cried out to God to have mercy and to forgive the sins against Him and as well as to heal this land.

Phil Hull, pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene, asked God to restore families to be a place of love, support, spiritual growth and prayer. He reminded the group that the family is the foundation of this country.

Jerry Smith, pastor of the Assembly of God Church, was the emcee and James Cannon provided the sound system.

National Day of Prayer was held in the First Baptist gym. The Ministerial Alliance sponsored this year's event. Next year's National Day of Prayer will be May 3.

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