Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Here are the stories in the Wednesday, January 5, 2000 edition of Nevada County Picayune

Voters Approve Millage Increase For School District
Getting a millage issue passed so renovations could be made to Prescott's three schools and a new gym could be built topped stories in 1999.
Prescott Loses Prison To Malvern
Close doesn't count and Prescott came extremely close to getting a new prison facility in 1999.
Voters OK 9-9-1- Tax On Phone Bills
Voters in Nevada County let their voices be heard loud and clear on the issue of getting a 9-1-1 emergency telephone system.
Grant Given To Build Library
In his final term as state senator, Mike Ross fought to get $1 million for Prescott so a new library could be built.
McKinney Convicted In Murder
Murder was on the minds of Nevada County residents during 1999.
Wolverettes Fall In Finals Of State Basketball Tourney
Prescott's Wolverettes came as close as a team can come to bringing home the gold, making it one of the top stories of 1999.
Wolverettes Defeated By Bradley In Finals Of Nashville Tournament
Prescott's Wolverettes have tasted defeat for the first time this season.
Into The Void: Much Ado About Nothing
It came and went filled with sound and fury signifying nothing, to take liberties of the words from the immortal bard.
If You Felt Cheated . . . If you felt cheated with Christmas Day and New Year's Day falling on a Saturday, don't feel like you are alone. It seems as if we almost expect a day off to celebrate the two holidays, and when they fall upon a Saturday (a...
Y2K Problem Non-Existent For Most
It is probablk impossible to list all the predictions that was made prior to the beginning of the new kear a new millennium to most people in the world. Most of the predictions were false; some were right on target and mank seemed to have been made ...
We Get Letters
Dear Editor:
Bluff City
Most newspapers and other media use the end of a year to pick out the top news stories of the previous year. I checked my records and could not find any earth shattering event that happened around Bluff City during 1999. I guess the extremely dry weather ...
Some Christmas get together's failed to get in last week's news. Mae Blount had all of her children home for Christmas. Annie Mae Hooks had all her children and most of her grandchildren home on Christmas Eve for supper and their Christmas holiday.
Happy New Year to all. We've made it so far so good.
Hellos to all the folks who read the Picayune. Mr. Influenza is still visiting here and about in our community. He is so popular; he's made several appearances on television.
Fair Hill
I guess now we can all relax and get on with our regular schedules; the holidays are over and the big new year has arrived. Hope that everyone had a wonderful time celebrating each event.
J.E. Dillard, Margaret Rhodes and Cedealia Burke from Rosston and also nephew, Lyle Miller, from Bodcaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dillard last week.
Oak Grove
Christmas has come and gone. We are looking forward for a happy new year.
Diane Lambert, Cline and Linda frm Shreveport, La., visited Linda's sister and Neil and me on Saturday.
Marguerite Williams
Harrel 'Sam' Green
Harrel 'Sam' Green, 76, of Camden died Thursday., December 30, 1999, at St. Vincent's Infirmary in Little Rock.
Mark H. Lambert
Mark H. Lambert Sr., 84, of Sutton died Sunday, January 2, 2000, at Medical Park Hospital in Hope.
Vada T. Glass Mathis
Vada T. Glass Mathis, 85, of Cale died Saturday, January 1, 2000, at her home.
Ruth C. Young
Ruth C. Young, 85, of Malvern died Saturday, January 1, 2000, in Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock.
John Calvin Wilson
John Calvin Wilson, 82, of Magnolia died Sunday, January 2, 2000.
Robert William Reynolds Jr.
Robert William 'Bob' Reynolds Jr., 76, of Prescott died Sunday, January 2, 2000, at Medical Park Hospital in Hope.
Here and There
Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
Jack To Head Center
The equine program being established at the University of Arkansas will be developed and managed by Nancy Jack, currently faculty coordinator for the Equine Teaching Program and Horse Center at Virginia Tech University at Blacksburg.
Sumrall, Russell Wed In Mississippi
Amanda Jean Sumrall and Jonathan Dean Russell were united in marriage in a late summer wedding at the First Baptist Church of Bay Springs, Miss.
State Sets Record
Gus Wingfield, State Auditor, announced that his Great Arkansas Treasure Hunt program has set a new record by returning over $1 million dollars in cash to over 3,000 Arkansans during the first six months of the fiscal year.
E-Mail: Quick, Very Personal Way Of Info Exchange
For Sergey Bashlovkin, a Siberian interested in how others around the world think and live, e-mail is a technology that puts the world at his fingertips.
Separation Is Big Part Of Recycling
Separating your plastic, glass and aluminum containers is only part of
Fire Ants Will Return With Warm Weather; Hard To Kill
Fire ants may not be at the top of the ground now, but most residents in south Arkansas know they are around. However, with the warm weather thus far this winter, some are active.
Guns OK For Kids; Training Is Needed
In a state where hunting tradition is still strong, and where some game populations are as high as they have been in years, any form of hunting gear is often a welcomed gift.
Program Looking For Success
Stories abound about members of low-income, single-parent families who fail, but a University of Arkansas program is giving adults and children the skills to succeed.

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Newspaper articles have been contributed to the Prescott Community Freenet Association as a "current history" of our area. Articles dated December 1981 through May 2001 were contributed by Ragsdale Printing Company, Inc. Articles June 2001 to ? were contributed by Better Built Group, Inc. Articles ? to October 2008 were contributed by GateHouse Media.

Ownership of all Nevada County Picayune content from the beginning of the newspaper, including predecessors, until May 2001 was contributed by the John and Betty Ragsdale family to the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Content on this site may not be archived, retransmitted, saved in a database, or used for any commercial purpose without express written permission. Web hosting by and presentation style copyright ©1999-2009 Danny Stewart