Here are the stories in the Wednesday, April 10, 1996 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Classes Begin Again At High School
- Monday morning dawned with a blazing sunrise.
- Classes Begin Again At High School (cont)
- hing's filthy," he said of the items in the band hall. "When I heard about it, I thought the office was gutted and the walls were black.
- Board Told Smoke Like Corrosive Acid
- A special meeting of the Prescott School Board was called Wednesday, April 3, to inform the board on the status of Prescott High School.
- Wol Den "Hot Site" On Net
- The PCFA.ORG computer was one of the "hottest" sites on the internet between 10:00 and 10:30 p.m. Monday, April 1. Things were really "smoking." The phone lines were "sizzling."
- From The Counselor's Desk
- As I hurriedly drove toward town, I kept asking myself if I had turned off my coffeemaker. Nearing the crest of a hill, I could see the dim glow in the distant darkness.
- The Board To You
- The dictionary defines community as ...groups of persons bound together by common beliefs or interests. I define it as PRESCOTT and NEVADA COUNTY!
- Sheriff Hesitant About CID Raise From Prescott
- County JPs found out the city of Prescott gave CID Jim Westmoreland a raise at the beginning of the year, but the money was not appropriated until Monday night's quorum court meeting.
- Rush Of Filings Occur At Deadline
- There was a rush of candidates who filed Tuesday, April 2 as the deadline arrived at noon for the May 21 primary.
- Political Speaking, Auction is Saturday At Emmet School
- The Emmet School District is sponsoring a political speaking, auction of surplus materials and junk, old books, textbooks, used bus tires, old equipment and antiques, and pie and cake auction on Saturday, April 13, at 10:00 a.m. at the Emmet City Park ...
- Fees Increased At Regional Landfill
- Tipping fees are going up at the Nashville landfill.
- Emmet Gets $20,000
- The city of Emmet is getting a new city recreation park, according to a news release from Anita Allen, city recorder-treasurer.
- One Busted In Raid
- A 33-year-old Hope man was arrested Friday afternoon on drug charges.
- Jacyees Forum Set For April 20
- The Prescott-Nevada County Jaycees will sponsor a political forum from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 20, at Prescott Middle School cafeteria.
- Prescott Elementary School Honor Roll Is Given
- The students at Prescott Elementary School named to the honor roll for the third nine weeks are listed below by grade level.
- Vicki Vasser In Emerging Leaders Program
- This year 25 University of Arkansas students were selected to participate in the eight-week Emerging Leaders program sponsored by the UA campus activities center.
- Fithen Receives Appointment To Nursing Prescriptive Board
- Mary Fithen of Prescott, a registered nurse practicioner at the Mercy Medical Center in Gurdon, has been selected to serve as chairperson of the board of nursing's prescriptive authority advisory committee.
- Area Blood Drive Is Set For Friday
- The Arkansas Region of the American Red Cross Blood Services, Central Baptist Church and the community of Prescott announce an upcoming blood drive on Friday, April 12, from 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
- Curley Wolves Baseball Team Wins First Conference Game
- Two games last week ended up in two more wins for the Prescott Curley Wolf baseball team.
- Curley Wolves Baseball Team Wins First Conference Game (cont)
- owever, flied out to end the inning.
- PHS Tennis Team Wins Matches Over Gurdon
- Prescott's tennis team has been busy, though unsuccessful, of late.
- Relays Are Next Week
- The classic track and field meet for southwest Arkansas will be held at Prescott next week (Thursday) with the running of the 22nd annual Prescott Merchant Relays.
- Scramble Is Set At Country Club
- On Saturday, April 20, there will be a four-person scramble at Prescott Country Club,
- Curley Wolves Squad Runner-Up At Doc Walker Track Meet In Texarkana
- In spite of being in class only one day for over two weeks, most of the Wolves track squad re-grouped after the fire and competed very well at the "Doc Walker" Hog Relays in Texarkana last Thursday.
- Scrappers' Relays Set For Thursday
- The Curley Wolf track squad will compete at the annual Nashville Scrapper Relays this Thursday.
- Softball JV Team Wins First Game
- Prescott's Wolverette softball team has been taking it on the chin in its first year of existence.
- Obituaries
- Mae Dulaney
- Mae Belle Fautheree Dulaney, 88, of Lake O' The Pines, Texas, died Saturday, April 6, 1996, in Linden Memorial Hospital in Linden, Texas.
- Earnestine Guy
- Earnestine Inez Guy, 72, of Prescott died Thursday, April 4, 1996.
- Brice Thomas Jr.
- Brice `Peanut' Polk Thomas Jr., 71, of Perrytown died Saturday, April 6, 1996, in Medical Park Hospital in Hope.
- Cancer Crusade Begins Sat.
- American Cancer Crusade begins Saturday, April 13, with a kick-off meeting at Central Baptist Church at 10:00 a.m. Lanora Dalrymple, local chairman, says workers will receive kits with health information to be given house to house.
- Free Services Day Provided For Countians
- Southwest Arkansas Development Council (SWADC) will host free services day throughout Nevada County on Wednesday or Friday beginning April 10. This will go on for several weeks.
- Allen Attending Youth Seminar
- Tamla Allen has been selected to attend the Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Foundation Arkansas South Seminar. She will join more than 150 other young leaders representing as many high schools from throughout Arkansas. The seminar will be held at the Airport...
- Highway Dept., County To Improve Road
- The Arkansas State Highway Commission has opened bids for a project to improve a Nevada County road, according to Highway Commission chairman, L.W. `Bill' Clark of Little Rock and Nevada County Judge John Barham.
- Restoration Grants Available
- Governor Jim Guy Tucker has announced that the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, will accept applications through June 30 for projects to share in some $50,000 in Historic Preservation Restoration...
- Purtle Seeks JP 3 Position
- J. Carroll Purtle has announced his candidacy for Justice of the Peace in District 3. Purtle served as Justice of the Peace for six years before the district lines were redrawn in 1992.
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