Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Here are the stories in the Wednesday, July 7, 1999 edition of Nevada County Picayune

Five Youths Arrested For Local Break-In
Five juveniles were arrested in connection with the break in and theft at Oliver's One Stop in Prescott.
Rumors have been circulating about Rafael Ramirez, the railroad killer, being a suspect in the murder of Chester Hooker.
All Silent On Issue Of Cable In Rosston
There's still a whole lot of nothing going on as far as cable television in Rosston.
Jobless Rate Falls
Nevada County got some good news on the employment front as the jobless rate fell from 5.6 percent to 5.0 percent in April.
Ross Named To State Party
State Sen. Mike Ross has had another honor heaped upon him.
Smith To Run For Congress
Former state representative Judy Smith has tossed her hat back into the political arena.
Weather Normal In June
As July opens hot enough to set off fireworks without matches, June was just the opposite.
Bluff City
I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July holiday.
I wish everyone a happy Fourth of July holiday. There is usually a family gatherings, cook- outs etc. Of course I am writing this early. I may have some report next time.
Roy Brown remains seriously ill in intensive care at Wadley Hospital in Texarkana. His daughter, Johnnie Jo Brown, of Houston spent a few days to be with him. His grandson, Bubba Stewart, and all his family are here also. His wife, Syble, and son, James ...
People around Caney are busy gathering garden vegetables. Junior and Ann and daughters have been shelling peas and shucking corn. They took time out to meet at Cale Saturday for a get together with the other Loe families.
J.E. and Dottie Dillard from Rosston spent Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dillard. They also visited his Aunt Lula Butler.
Oak Grove
Revival meeting was held at Mt. Vernon AME Church last week. They really did have a good one. The evangelist was Rev. T.W. Scott, pastor of St. Luke AME Church in Pine Bluff. Unity AME Church in Magnolia with Rev. James H. Giles as pastor.
Deaths, Funerals
Dorothy A. Wilson
Dorothy A. Wilson, 60, of Prescott died Wednesday, June 30, 1999.
Vollie Campbell
Vollie Campbell, 85, of Emmet died Thursday, July 1, 1999, at Medical Park Hospital in Hope.
Martha Jane Langston
Martha Jane Langston, 82, of Hope died Friday, July 2, 1999, at Christus St. Michael Health Center in Texarkana, Texas.
Essie N. Page
Essie N. Page, 89, of Prescott died Friday, July 2, 1999, at Baptist Medical Center in Arkadelphia.
Herman Johnson
Herman C. Johnson, 84, of Prescott died Friday, July 2, 1999, in an automobile accident.
Richard S. 'Dick' Kale III
Richard S. 'Dick" Kale III, 67, of Lake Wales, Fla., formerly of Mabelvale, died Wednesday, June 30, 1999, at Lake Wales Medical Center.
4-H News
The 1999 Southwest District 4-H O-Rama was held June 18 at Lake Hamilton High School.
Farm and Home
The tomato is one of the most popular vegetables grown in the home garden in Arkansas, according to Dr. Paul Cooper, area horticultural specialist with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service.
PHS Cheerleaders Attend Camp AT UALR
The Prescott High School cheerleaders attended the National Cheerleaders Association Cheerleader Camp at the UALR campus in Little Rock June 26-29.
Here and There
Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
Living Well
Summer means sunshine and time outdoors. When the weather heats up, drinking enough fluid is important, especially when exercising.
Love's Store To Open Soon At I-30
Love's Country Stores, with 130 convenience stores and travel stops, is opening in Prescott on Interstate 30 soon. The travel stop will include grocery items, electronics, a gift store and a full-size Hardee's restaurant. The travel stop will open in mid-...
Military News
Army Pvt. Jeremy R. Barnett has graduated from the heavy-wheeled vehicle mechanic course at Fort Jackson near Columbia, S.C.
Yarberro, Inscore To Wed Aug. 7
Amanda Yarberro and Larry Inscore would like to announce their upcoming wedding.
Entergy Y2K Compliant
Entergy has announced that it has completed the work necessary to prepare its electrical system to function as normal throughout the transition from 1999 to 2000 Y2K compliance.

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Newspaper articles have been contributed to the Prescott Community Freenet Association as a "current history" of our area. Articles dated December 1981 through May 2001 were contributed by Ragsdale Printing Company, Inc. Articles June 2001 to ? were contributed by Better Built Group, Inc. Articles ? to October 2008 were contributed by GateHouse Media.

Ownership of all Nevada County Picayune content from the beginning of the newspaper, including predecessors, until May 2001 was contributed by the John and Betty Ragsdale family to the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Content on this site may not be archived, retransmitted, saved in a database, or used for any commercial purpose without express written permission. Web hosting by and presentation style copyright ©1999-2009 Danny Stewart