Here are the stories in the Wednesday, July 14, 1999 edition of Gurdon Times
- 20 Safe Years Recognized At IP Yard In Whelen Springs
- Employees at the Whelen Springs lumber yard, owned and operated by International Paper, were rewarded for 20 years of safety Friday.
- Contractor Needs More Time
- Work on the annex to the Clark County Courthouse is coming along, but the contractor needs more time.
- Ross Raises $140,000
- Raising money has been no problem for State Sen. Mike Ross of late.
- Unemployment Rate Falls
- There's more good news for Clark County on the unemployment front.
- Rose Hedge Annexed Into City
- Clark County Judge Buddy Manning opened the Gurdon city council meeting on the Rose Hedge annexation Thursday, at 7:00 p.m.
- Roebuck Seeks House Seat
- Dr. Tommy Roebuck, a dentist, businessman and community leader in Arkadelphia has announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for District 36 of the Arkansas State House of Representatives.
- In Our Times
- Saturday, July 17, there will be a gospel singing concert at First Church of God on Highway 67S at 7:30 p.m. The featured singers will be Wind Spirit from Malvern. Everyone is invited.
- Golden Oldies
- The Gurdon Senior Adult Center is a program of Central Arkansas Development Council and is a United Way Agency.
- Community News
- Men's and women's conference on family and evangelism will be held July 22-24 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Clair Baptist Church in Burtsell. Special guests will be Rev. and Sis. Arnold Smith and Rev. and Sis. Keith B. Beard of Illinois, Sis. Linda Clark of Hope, S...
- Volleyball Camp Set
- There will be a senior girls volleyball camp at Gurdon High School July 19-21 at 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All girls in grades 10-12 interested in participating in the upcoming volleyball season should attend this clinic.
- Clothes Reveal Generation Gap
- OBU Student Retreat August 1-3
- The admissions counseling office at Ouachita Baptist University (OBU) will be the host for the school's eighth annual new student retreat to be held August 1-3 on the OBU campus.
- Davidson Meeting Is July 30-August 8
- Davidson Methodist Campground, west of Arkadelphia, will hold its 115th annual encampment July 30 through August 8.
- 4-H News
- Clark County Extension Service
- 'Shack' Shackelford To Be Honored With Party
- The nieces and nephews of G.E. 'Shake' Shackelford of Arkadelphia will be hosting a party in honor of his ninetieth birthday.
- Deaths
- Ruth Olivia Lane
- Ruth Olivia Lane, 71, passed away Saturday, July 10, 1999, in Hot Springs.
- Stone Attends Conservation Workshop
- Gurdon High School agriculture teacher Stacy Stone recently attended a week-long Teacher Conservation Workshop (TCW) at Heifer Project International in Perryville on a full scholarship from the Ross Foundation in Arkadelphia.
- Family Reunions
- Clay Jones Family
- On June 18, 33 descendants of the late Susie Nunn Jones and Clay Jones of Gurdon checked into their hotel in St. Augustine, Fla., for another fantastic family reunion to remember.
- Quickbooks Class Offered
- Henderson State University Small Business Department Center (SBDC), in cooperation with Garland County Community College, will hold a hands-on-training session teaching attendees how to use Quickbooks software in their business.
- Ashbrook, Wilson Exchange Vows
- Nuptial vows were exchanged between Kelli Marie Ashbrook and Bryan Matthew Wilson at 7 p.m. June 5 in Central Baptist Church in Prescott officiated by Rev. Chad Brandon.
- Ashbrook, Wilson Exchange Vows (cont)
- out the evening. Lady in Red was the music chosen for the money dance, which was played prior to the bride and groom leaving. Kelli wore a red dress to leave in.
- Schools To Get More Funds, More Teachers
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