Here are the stories in the Wednesday, December 20, 2000 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- JPs Told Of Possible New Industries
- Several strong industrial prospects are developing for Nevada County and work continues as another industry keeps looking at soil preparation costs is the message Nevada County Quorum Court heard during its meeting Monday, December 11.
Prescott-Nevada ...
- 2001 Budget Approved By Quorum Court
- Nevada County has a working budget heading into the new millennium.
The county's budget for 2001 is $1,532.520.90, as approved by the Nevada County Quorum Court at its regular monthly meeting Monday, Dec. 11. Actually, the budget is $1,744,171.58, with ...
- Winter Makes Early Visit, More Expected
- Winter paid Nevada County an early visit, with sleet and freezing rain literally shutting down the south third of the county.
The freezing rain and sleet began falling early Wednesday morning, dropping two inches of precipitation on the ground.
It left...
- County Trash Pickup Changed For Holidays
- Because of the Christmas and New Year's holidays, the Nevada County Courthouse will be closed Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1.
The county's trash pickup route will have Monday's route run Wednesday, and Tuesday's on Thursday, while the usual Wednesday and Thursd...
- Hawthorne Earns Degree From Pima Medical Institute
- Joyce Hawthorne, a former Gurdon resident, graduated from Pima Medical Institute in Denver, Colo., October 27.
Hawthorne was on the dean's list and received several awards, including the Directors Award, Perfect Attendance Award and Honor Roll Award wit...
- Past Due City Customers Increase
- These are the figures for October and November past due utility accounts for Prescott Water & Light.
- Living Well with the Carrie Connection
- Just some thoughts to get you through the holiday season:
Plan your schedule during the holidays loosely. Ask yourself does this have to be done before Christmas?
Make a point to attend every party you are invited to during the holidays, even if only...
- Bar Association Awards Scholarship
- The Southwest Arkansas Bar Association is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2000 scholarships.
The association awarded two scholarships this year in the amount of $500 each.
One scholarship was awarded to a student from the University of Arkans...
- Nevada Board Honored
- The Nevada School board has been named an honor school board by the Arkansas School Boards Association (ASBA). The award will be presented at its upcoming board meeting.
To achieve the honor board recognition a majority of the local board's members have...
- Here and There . . . News That Matters To Nevada County
- A representative of the Texarkana Social Security office will be in Prescott at the courthouse December 28.
Supplemental Security Income pays monthly checks to people who are aged, disabled or blind and who do not own much or have much income. SSI is no...
- Rose Garden Club
- The Rose Garden Club met in the lovely home of Nettie Lemons on December 12 at 1 p.m. with Betty Turner as co-hostess. The home was beautifully decorated in the Christmas motif.
Following a delicious dessert, Betty Turner, president, presided over the ...
- Farm and Home News
- If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. This old saying still holds true in our world today.
Recently in northwest Arkansas a man was sold a chemical product called SK-132. The product was sold by an out-of-sate company via the telephone ...
- Oak Grove News
- We had a terrible ice storm last week. We were without electricity for almost three days. Trees were all across the road. Thank God we had gas. I felt sorry for the Entergy employees who worked almost all night. We had no telephone either; we couldn't ca...
- Boughton News
- Everyone was affected by our winter weather with power outages, telephones out and some shut in.
Our son Willie Hugh spent Tuesday with us. He was checking to see if we had things prepared for the winter storm.
The family of Elsie Elmore had their Chri...
- Bluff City News
- What a week! On a scale of one to ten the misery index registered
about 9 plus. We were without power for 80 hours and some folks were without even longer. I noticed in the paper that this ice storm brought families closer together for some quality time....
- Bodcaw News
- This past Sunday at noon we had our Christmas fellowship. Bro. George Reddin of Life Word of Conway was our guest speaker. There were a lot of food and visiting and fun for all.
The youth attended the youth rally at New Hope at Hope on Sunday afternoon....
- Fair Hill News
- What a change in the weather, we will have to get out all kinds of blankets tonight.
Good luck to Ben Jones, John Cornelius and Jake Cornelius. They all killed buck deer, Ben 9-point, John 12, and Jake 10. They are presently leading the 3-man big buck c...
- Willisville News
- As of December 17 parts of this area's power had been restored after everything was knocked out last week from the ice storm. We're praying that the electrical power will soon be restored throughout the community.
Services for 97-year-old Gladys Henders...
- Effie Marcella Weaver
- Effie Marcella Weaver, 98, of Rosston died Monday, December 11, 2000, in Angleton, Texas, where she was living at the time.
Mrs. Weaver was born September 4, 1902, in Elmer, La., to Richard Henry and Hattie Flora Jarvis Lewis. She was a homemaker. She w...
- Alice N. Ward
- Alice N. Ward, 99, of Prescott died Saturday, December 16, 2000, at Medical Park Hospital in Hope.
Mrs. Ward was born August 22, 1901, in Hempstead County to William and Mattie Shuffield Nolen. She was a homemaker and a charter member of Bethel Baptist ...
- James W. McCorkle
- James W. McCorkle, 51, of Laneburg died Sunday, December 17, 2000, at Wadley Hospital in Texarkana, Texas.
He was born November 21, 1949, in Laneburg. He was an employee of Tyson Foods Live Haul. He was a deacon and Sunday school teacher at Laneburg Bap...
- Dear Santa . . . Children's Letters To Santa Claus
- "Letters to Santa" is a large section of the paper and includes dozens of pictures. Please allow plenty of time (several minutes) for the entire section to load.
Click here t...
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