Here are the stories in the Wednesday, May 13, 1998 edition of Gurdon Times
- New Repeaters Are In Place
- There are now four new repeaters on line for use by area volunteer fire departments.
- Pineview Going Nowhere; New Group Is Taking Over
- There is no reason for the people of Gurdon to worry about the Pineview Nursing Home.
- Animal Control Law Tricky
- Gurdon's proposed animal control ordinance could cause problems.
- Political Rally Is Thursday
- A political rally will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 14, at the Gurdon Middle School auditorium.
- Election To Delay Times
- Because of the Preferential Party Primary Election Tuesday, May 19, the Gurdon Times will not be delivered Tuesday afternoon as it usually is.
- System Has Generator Woes
- A problem was reported concerning the generator at the Red Springs booster station because the generator isn't big enough to carry the load required.
- The teachers at GMS really enjoyed the special attention that was given to them by the students in the observance of National Teachers Week. So many hugs were shared and remarks of "I appreciate you" said to the teachers from the students just made the we...
- Golden Oldies
- Hope everyone had a happy Mother's Day.
- Police Week Proclaimed
- Gurdon Mayor Rick W. Smith has proclaimed this week as National Police Week in the city of Gurdon.
- Officials Attend Program For Historic Preservation
- Clark County Judge Grady Runyan, Arkadelphia Mayor Michael L. Kolb and Gurdon Mayor Rick W. Smith were among 119 local officials in 61 Arkansas counties to call for local observances of national Historic Preservation Week may 10-16, Arkansas Historic Pres...
- Senior Center Hosts 67 In Health And Wellness Program
- The Gurdon Senior Center hosted a health and wellness program last Wednesday, May 6, sponsored by St. Joseph's Regional Health Center in Hot Springs. Several exhibitors and guest speakers were on hand to provide health information to the 67 seniors in att...
- Sewing Contest Set
- Clark County Farm Bureau's Women Committee (FBWC) and Clark County Cooperative Extension Service are sponsoring a 'sew with cotton' contest, which will be open to county residents as well as HSU and OBU full-time students who have a Clark County address.
- In Our Time
- The Gurdon Chamber of Commerce coffee will be held Tuesday, May 19, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Ami Village Restaurant, located in the old Gurdon Hospital.
- Rowe, Harper Plan May 30th Wedding In Gurdon Church
- Mrs. Sammy Benson of Plain Dealing, La., and Sydney Wiley of Douglasville, Texas, and Hal and Shari Harper of Gurdon are proud to announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their children, Lisa Rowe and Brandon Harper.
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