Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Here are the stories in the Wednesday, January 14, 1998 edition of Nevada County Picayune

County Gears Up For Three Or More Elections in 1998
Political season is underway for 1998.
Rosston Council OK's Sale Of Land; Audit Is Planned
Property owned by the City of Rosston was formally sold Thursday night, Jan. 8.
Storms Strike Southern Nevada County; Slight Damage Reported
Severe storms ravaged southern Nevada County Monday, Jan. 5, leaving a wake of damage behind.
EHS Homecoming Set
Emmet High School's homecoming will be Friday, January 16, at 6 p.m. in Ross Gymnasium at the school.
Rodgers Gets Defensive
No longer will Danny Rodgers' booming voice be heard in courtrooms arguing to put a defendant in jail.
Closings Are Announced For Monday
Nevada County's trash pickup will not run on Monday, January 19, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King holiday. This will cause each pick-up day to be delayed one day.
Honor Roll Is Given
Nevada High School has released its honor roll for the second nine weeks.
Here 'n There
Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellow-ship of men and women who wish to stop drinking, meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
Club News
Helping Hands EHC
Bluff City Helping Hands Extension Homemakers Club met January 8 for its regular meeting.
Wolverettes Take Championship At Saratoga
Last week in Saratoga was a basketball junky's dream come true.
Wolverettes Take Championship At Saratoga (cont)
Wolverettes Take Championship At Saratoga (cont) (cont)
g something to the ref. This bought him a seat on the bench for the rest of the half.
DeQueen Whips PHS
Prescott's senior girls lost their first conference game of the season Tuesday, Jan. 6.
McCauley Named VP
Deaths, Funerals
Herbert Meador
Johnie Herbert Meador, 85, of El Dorado, died Wednesday, January 7, 1998, in Hillsboro Manor Nursing Home.
Joe Donald Bailey
Joe Donald Bailey, 65, of Rosston died Sunday, January 11, 1998, at a Prescott nursing home.
Leon H. Shannon
Funeral services were held at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 6, 1998, at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Santa Marie, Calif., for Leon H. Shannon, 66 of Granbury, Texas. Pastor James W. Zielke officiated with burial in Santa Marie Cemetery.
Hillcrest News
Jean Hawthorn from Fayetteville visited his grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Lewellen, Monday.
Bodcaw News
Rain, Rain, doesn't it rain? Hope all of you are doing fine and getting started in the New Year.
Caney News
Junior and Ann Loe spent the week in Mountain Home with their daughter, Safrona Stokes. They returned home Saturday.
Oak Grove News
A service for George Spencer Ivory was held Saturday, January 10, at St. James A.M.E. Church in Camden with Rev. Randolph Martin, pastor. The eulogy was by Rev. N.C. Irving with interment in Greenwood Cemetery in Camden.
Redland News
Rain, rain, rain! We're sure getting plenty of rain in our part of the world.
Rosston News
Sympathy to Hazel Sullivan's family of Camden and Houston. She has been buried since I wrote last. B.C. Dillard, Wayne Jarvis and Roscoe and I attended the funeral at Proctor Funeral Home in Camden. Hazel and Pierce lived in Rosston many years. She taught...

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