Here are the stories in the Wednesday, January 3, 1996 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Top Stories In 1995
- Nevada County Hospital Closes July 20
- Voters To Decide Hospital's Fate On January 9 Ballot
- It was one of the hardest things a governing body could be asked to do and made the top story for 1995 in Nevada County.
- Suspect Arrested
- Three Years After Double Murder of Engaged Couple
- A brutal double murder was committed in Nevada County on or about May 16, 1992.
- Curley Wolves; Blue Jays Rule
- Sports was big news in 1995 with the Curley Wolves winning the state championship, and Nevada's Bluejays coming in second overall in basketball.
- Curley Wolves; Blue Jays Rule (cont)
- he Jays had pummelled their opposition from October through February, working their way through the regular season, capturing the 7-A South conference title and taking regionals on their way to state.
- Mayor James Johnson Dies In January
- The year began on a sad note with the resignation and subsequent death of Prescott Mayor James Johnson, making this one of 1995's top news stories.
- Annexation Expands Prescott City Limits
- To annex, or not to annex proved to be one of the top stories of the year for 1995.
- Other Story in This Week's Edition
- PCFA.ORG Seeks Info On Businesses and Churches
- For Viewing on World Wide Web
- Local businesses and churches are being invited to put information on PCFA.ORG, the local Internet access computer. When the information is added to the PCFA.ORG's home page, it may be viewed by anyone in the world through the World Wide Web.
- Obituaries
- Ellis E. Prosser
- Ellis E. Prosser, 78, of Gun Barrel City, Texas, formerly of Prescott, died December 20, 1995, in Gun Barrel City.
- Homer C. Greer
- Homer C. Greer, 87, of Burkeville, Texas, formerly of Nevada County, died Tuesday, December 26, 1995, at Jasper Memorial Hospital in Jasper, Texas.
- Lewis Thompson III
- Lewis E. Thompson III, M.D., 46, of Little Rock, formerly of Prescott, died Thursday, December 28, 1995, of a heart attack.
- Howard Webb
- Howard Webb, 66, of Blevins, died Monday, December 25, 1995, at Pike County Hospital in Murfressboro.
- Steve Snell Jr.
- Steve W. Snell Jr., 67, of Clarksville, died Monday, December 2, 1995, at St. Mary's Hospital in Russellville,
- PHS Splits Christmas Tournament
- Prescott's senior girls took two gams in the Prescott Christmas Tournament last week, while the boys fell twice.
- Basketball Returns to Area This Week
- Roundball action begins again this week after most high school teams took a Christmas break.
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