Here are the stories in the Wednesday, January 17, 1996 edition of Gurdon Times
- Gurdon had A Good 1995
- Gurdon had a good year in 1995, according to Mayor Rick Smith.
During the year, he said, the city received a grant from the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department for road signs and traffic barriers.
In addition, Gurdon got a grant from the ...
- Gurdon had A Good 1995 (cont)
- .
"We, the board of directors, took the stand to not sit back and accept a rate increase as Saline County demanded," Smith said. "We filed suit and the court's decision was in our favor.
"We estimate this saved our district, which is comprised of Clark, H...
- Gurdon Voters Say 'No' To Tucker's Highway Bill
- Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker's highway proposal issue failed miserably in Clark County.
Proposition 1, which was to allow the state to pass a $3.5 billion bond issue failed 2,845 to 387 in the county.
The second measure, which would have increased the tax...
- Brandon's Airport Efforts Rewarded
- Gurdon's City Council meeting was interrupted briefly Monday night so Mayor Rick Smith could present a plaque to a former member of the Gurdon Airport Commission.
Smith made the presentation to the widow of Tommy Brandon, who was instrumental in getting L...
- Council Examines Rural Fire Protection
- Rural fire protection and what, if anything, it should cost residents was the focus of Monday night's meeting of the Gurdon City Council.
Gurdon Mayor Rick Smith informed the council, and about 10 citizens in the audience, the Gurdon Fire Department curre...
- Water Bill Won't Be Changed; Mower Is Bought
- Getting a water bill adjusted proved to be a problem for Gurdon's Carl McMichael Monday night.
He approached the Gurdon Water and Sewer Commission with a complaint about his bill, which he said was exorbitant for two people. His monthly usage, however, ac...
- Hee Haw Is Scheduled January 27
- Curtain time will be 7:00 p.m. Saturday, January 27, for the 1996 Gurdon Hee-Haw show. The annual Close Up fund raising event promises to provide laughs a minute, live music, special singing, and jokes of all sorts for the entire family.
Gurdon's own "Gra...
- Chamber Banquet Is Feb. 16
- The Annual Chamber of Commerce banquet will be held Tuesday, February 6, at the new Gurdon High School cafeteria. Beth Ann Rankin, a former Miss Arkansas, will be the guest speaker.
Teacher of the Year Award, the C. Louis Cabe Member of the Year Award and...
- Moving Day
- Friday was an extremely happy day for teachers and administrators of Gurdon High School, as they officially moved into their new home. Charles Failla, GHS Media Specialist, is shown moving materials from the old GHS to the new structure on Highway 67. Cla...
- Youth Earns Coon Title
- Two Gurdon youth members of the Whelen Spring Coon Club competed in the National Youth Championship for coon hunting and one claimed the title in Aurora, Kentucy.
Matt Dickerson, a seventh grader from Gurdon Middle School, won the championship with his do...
- Gurdon Teams Exit Fast From Tournament
- Gurdon's Go-Devil teams didn't fare well in the Southwest Arkansas Invitational Tournament in Saratoga recently.
The Lady Devils made their exit after one brief appearance, while the Devils played two games before returning home.
The Lady Devils had a bye...
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