Here are the stories in the Wednesday, July 30, 1997 edition of Nevada County Picayune
- Please note: Due to technical difficulties, portions of this document do not appear as in the printed version. Some articles are missing.
- Construction To Begin August 1 On Emmet Gym
- Construction on Emmet's new gymnasium should begin Friday, according to Emmet Superintendent Dr. Gene Ross.
Dr. Ross said the dirt work should be finished this week, with actual construction beginning around the first of August. The contract was...
- Steve Britton New PHS Principal
- Board Hires Augusta Educator During Special Meeting
- In a special board meeting Thursday, July 24, the Prescott School Board hired a new principal for Prescott High School.
The panel selected Steve Britton to be the chief administrator at PHS. Britton hails from Augusta, home of the Devils. Britto...
- County's Surplus rakes In $131,000
- Nevada County made $131,541.60 in a public auction selling surplus equipment.
Nevada County Judge James Roy Brown said the county did well with the auction, selling four motor graders, two worked and two didn't, a track hoe and track loader, along wi...
- Representative Rodgers Stays On Road Helping Area Residents
- Sandra Rodgers has been on the road since being elected as state representative.
Recently, Rodgers was part of a delegation of legislators to visit the Arkansas Department of Correction's diagnostic unit in Tucker. Here, she and the others heard abou...
- Texarkana College Sets Fall Registration August 5
- Texarkana College will begin registering for the fall semester Aug. 5. However, now is the time for students to check with academic advisement, according to Georgia McFaul, director of counseling. Students should come by the Counseling Center in the Ad...
- Three Local Educators Attend Potlatch Teacher Intern Program
- In its fourth year, the Potlatch teacher-intern program is becoming known as an outstanding opportunity for teachers to learn about today's workplace and the forest and paper industry.
Eleven teachers from four school districts spent four weeks w...
- Asthma Campaign To Raise Funds
- Declaring asthma to be one of the fastest growing public bealth threats of the century, the American Lung Association has launched a ASTHMATTACK!, the campaign which will lead the way in funding research to cure asthma.
Asthma rates have risen d...
- Local Chapter Meets -
- Cancer 4-Man Scamble Planned
- The annual American Cancer Society (ACS) golf tournament will be held August 9 at the Prescott Country Club, Lanora Dalrymple announced Thursday at the ACS meeting at the First United Methodist Church. Phyllis Stewart, president, presided over the meet...
- At HSU Basketball Camp -
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