Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Senator Ross Seeks Re-Election

Published Wednesday, March 13, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

State Senator Mike Ross has announced his plans to seek re-election to the Arkansas Senate, District 3 in the May 21 Democratic Primary Election. District 3 includes parts of Clark, Columbia and Ouachita counties and all of Nevada County. Ross was first elected to the Arkansas Senate in 1990, becoming the senate's youngest member at age 29. He was re-elected to a second term in 1992.

"With terms limits, I can only serve one more term in the Arkansas Senate. However I believe there is still much to be done to improve the quality of life for all Arkansans. That is why I'm seeking re-election and asking for your support once more," Ross said.

"Over the past five years, I have tried to do what is right. I have stood up for good government and been responsive to the needs of the people I represent. I have personally answered every phone call and letter that I have received. I believe that I have made a difference," Ross said.

Ross said he plans to "continue to fight for our kids to be sure that they receive the very best education possible. As a father of two young children, I want my kids and yours to grow up in a safe learning environment."

Ross helped pass legislation that provides greater incentives to industries that locate in counties with high unemployment. "We must continue to pass legislation to make Arkansas competitive with other states if we are to be successful in creating new jobs -- good jobs -- jobs that will support a family," Ross said. "I will continue to work with local leaders to bring new jobs to our area.

"I am committed to getting crime under control. I believe we can accomplish this by giving criminals tougher sentences. We need to send a message that 10 years in prison really means 10 years, not seven." Ross helped pass legislation that created mandatory sentences for repeat offenders and programs that put prisoners to work.

As a member of the Senate Public Health Committee, Ross has fought to maintain Medicaid funding for our senior citizens, while being an outspoken critic of the fraud and abuse in the program. "We do not need to cut services to those who really need them. We need to cut services to those who are only looking for a free ride," Ross said.

Ross also played a key role last year in the passage of the Patient Protection Act. "This legislation was a result of big insurance companies forcing their policy holders to use certain physicans, hospitals and other health care providers. This had become a common practice by HMO's owned and operated by the big insurance companies. We passed legislation that gives people the right to select their own health care providers, as long as the providers agree to the terms and fee schedules established by the insurance companies. We stood up to the big insurance companies and their powerful lobbyist and won this major battle for the people of our state," Ross said.

"Serving in the Arkansas Senate has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. My family and I are grateful to those who have supported me in the past. Without your help, I would have never had the privilege to represent you in the Arkansas Senate. I hope you will support me again this year. With your help, we can continue to make a difference," Ross said.

Ross is a member of the Senate Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee; the Senate City, County and Local Affairs Committee; the Senate Rules Committee; the Joint Performance Review Committe; and the Joint Committee on Advanced Communications and Information Technology.

Prior to his election to the Arkansas Senate in 1990, Ross served on the Nevada County Quorum Court and as chief of staff to then Lieutenant Governor Winston Bryant. He also served as executive director of the Arkansas Youth Suicide Prevention Commission.

Ross and his wife, Holly, have two children, Sydney Beth, age seven and Alex, age three. They own Holly's Health Mart, a pharmacy and home medical equipment business in Prescott. They are active members of the First United Methodist Church in Prescott.

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