Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, July 14, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Marguerite Williams

Rosston Baptist Church and Bluff Springs Baptist Church combined their talents this week and had a very successful Bible school. It was well attended and four young ladies were saved. Jennifer Gresham united with our church this morning to be baptized later. The program was this afternoon. It was very inspiring with Rosston's pastor, Bro. Petie Ward, and Bluff Springs pastor, Bro. Michael Heitt, and we had a good crowd. They would like to express their appreciation to everyone who participated, workers and students. The offering of $600 went to the B.M.A. needy children.

Among those having July birthdays in our church are Tommie Lew Jarvis, Elsie Williams, Jeff and Josh Carlton, Misti Gibson, P.J. Ward and Roscoe Williams. Bro. Olive Dorman who attends church at Rosston, also had a birthday.

Roscoe was treated to a birthday supper at the Crossroads Buffet on Wednesday night by son and daughter-in-law, Jimmy and Booie Williams. Max and Ruth Hill and granddaughter, Stephanie, of Dallas celebrated with us.

After the Bible school program Sunday, Max and Ruth Hill of Dallas and granddaughter, Stephanie, treated Roscoe and me to another birthday supper at Little B's in Magnolia.

Roscoe's sister, Veneta Bustin, of Hillcrest Care Center in Prescott was taken to the Golden Care Wing of Medical Park Hospital in Hope on Friday morning. Daughter, Teresa Bustin, of Mountain Home spent a few days with Delton and Veneta this week. They need our prayers as Veneta recuperates there.

Steve and Jeanette Fincher Sheiron of Dallas attended the funeral of Helen Fincher of Hope recently. Afterward they visited Dail and Marjorie Evans in Willisville.

Little P.J. Ward was entertained on Saturday afternoon at his home by his parents, Petie and Laura, for his second birthday. A good time was had by all.

Margaret Jackson of Rosston and grandson, Oliver Warren, and a friend of Warren's, were luncheon guests of Karen Lyle and children of Stamps on Saturday.

Bernice Sorrells is home after spending a few days in Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock. She still needs our prayers.

A.B. and Maxine Luck will travel to Little Rock tomorrow. Maxine will enter Baptist Medical Center for tests. Remember them in your prayers.

Virginia Dillard and daughter, Sherry Clark, are still on the sick list and need our prayers.

I know everyone had a nice time on the Fourth of July. Roscoe and I had a family reunion of our family and my cousins on Saturday. There were about 25 present. Some had to work and two of my cousins are building new houses and had to work on them. There would have been 52 if all could have come. I hope they all enjoyed it as much as we did.

Great grandson, Tyler McKinnon, his Aunt and Uncle Natt and Beverly Stockton and children and Tyler's grandmother, Belinda McKinnon, returned home Friday night after vacationing in San Antonio, Texas, at Sea World and other attractions for a few days this week. They report a great time.

Pansy West of Georgia, formerly of Willisville, passed away this week. Funeral was Saturday at Willisville Cemetery. Sympathy to this family.

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