Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

ALE Meetings Students' Needs

Published Wednesday, June 19, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

Prescott Alternative School is designed to meet the educational and social needs of students who are at risk of failure or dropping out of the comprehensive secondary program by providing traditional and nontraditional academic options and career awareness.

Vocational and technical education will be encouraged.

Students will be assessed and placed on a plan of study to help them earn credits toward graduation or a General Education Development (GED) diploma. Each student will have an individualized academic plan of study based on identified needs and will progress totally and independently of other students. The individual education plan will be based on TABE assessment exams well be scheduled when the student with the teacher decides it is time.

The teacher and student will agree on a schedule that will benefit the student most. For example, if a student wishes to concurrently pursue a vocational training program at another site and work on the GED, the students will require a more flexible schedule than a student who is working on earning credits toward graduation. The teacher will work with the student and make the necessary modifications for success.

Students will be admitted to the program by application, which may be obtained at the high school principal's office or the superintendent's office.

In considering applicants, the following will be considered:

  1. The student must be between the ages of 15 and 21;
  2. The student is failing two or more classes;
  3. The student is two or more years below grade level in math and/or reading;
  4. The student has dropped out of school; and
  5. The student has repeatedly been assigned to I.S.S.
Michael Gulley, John Nolen and Chris Zachery received diplomas at Prescott High School graduation after having completed credit requirements at Prescott Alternative School.

Frankie Kirkham passed the GED test and received his GED diploma.

Each of these young men are to be congratulated on continuing their education and being very succesful for the last five months.

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