Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Redland Reunion Held

Published Wednesday, June 19, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

Approximately 65 people attended the Redland School reunion on Saturday evening and Sunday, June 8 and 9. Most of them were former Redland School students and their spouses, or Redland community residents at some time in the past.

Festivities began on Saturday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. at First Baptist church education building. Local folks provided food for a light meal, honoring out-of-towners. It was a time of nice fellowship for the 40 attending. Chlois Newman gave the invocation.

The Sunday activities began at 9:30 a.m. at the Prescott Elementary School cafetorium with a coffee time while guests were arriving.

At 11:00 a.m., Mary Cox, president, gave the welcome and plans for the day's activities. Everyone grouped on the stage and steps for snapping several pictures before lunch. Harold White gave the invocation and a catered lunch was served at the noon hour, with much reminiscing going on at the tables.

In the afternoon a few moments of silent prayers were observed in memory of the 20 former Redland folks who have passed away since the 1994 reunion. Those who had passed away were Grace Bolls Cottingham, Muriel Franks Dickerson (teacher), Hoyt Haynie, Milburn Jones, Vernon Munn, Alma Roberts, Clementine White Felts, Fred Ridling Jr., Mylbra Felts, Ruby Cagle Andrews, Geneva Erwin Chapman, Chessie Cagle Bowers, Earl Ray Greer, Mack Hillery, Winnie Belle Smith Hooker, Helen Hines Nash, Hazel Greene, Arlee Rhodes (Retta Barker's husband), and Evelyn Hildebrand (Ivan Hildebrand's wife).

In the business meeting that followed, a discussion was held on whether to continue the reunion in 1998. The majority voted to try to keep it active through the year 2000.

New officers elected were Dixie Ann Rinkle Clary, president; Mary H. Cox, treasurer; and Harold White, secretary.

Various small gift packages and 11 potted pink caladium plants were given out as door prizes to 17 different people. The reunion dimissed at 2:00 p.m.

Out-of-staters attending were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Burley of Kingwood, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson of Bedford, Texas; Bonnie Emerson Holder and son and Mrs. and Mrs. Billy Dale Holder of Port Arthur, Texas; Betty Taylor Winters of Dallas, Texas; Al Sidney Felts of Wichita Falls, Texas; Ben Felts of Shelbyville, Texas; Scotty Bryson of Dallas, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barham of Gilroy, Calif.; James and Margie Munn Benson of Poway, Calif.; Ralph Taylor of Wilmington, Ill.; Doug Bryson and daughter Carolyn of Homewood, Ill.; and Patsy Griffin of Chicago, Ill.

Arkansas folks attending were Martha Holder Oliver, Edgar and Wanda White of North Little Rock; Thomas White of Gurdon; Harold White of Van Buren; Doyle and Jackie Gill Lucas of Redfield; George and Dixie Clary of Emmet; Hazel Cox Powell of Little Rock; Beverly Nelson Romanin of Magazine; Ida Bryson Eaves of Texarkana; Joanna Hunter, De Queen (daughter of Helen Munn Risser). Lou Ella Taylor Cobb, Weston and Alpha Greene and Dale and Ann Cox Wylie, all of Hope.

Prescott folks attending were Bob and Ida Haynie, Donald Crane, Thais McLelland, Clifford and Winifred Hulan, George and Joy Cox, Neil and Hazel Meeks, Nettie Lemons, Grady Faye McCaskill, Mozelle Gill, Bud and Faye Taylor, Bobby, Sophie and Randy Taylor, Maurice and Dorothy McLelland, Bobby Loe, Lucy Taylor, John and Dawn Mclelland, Roy Loomis, Faye Andrews, and Pershing and Mary Cox.

Soon after the Redland School reunion on Sunday, June 9, word was received that Victor Andrews had passed away in the hospital in Hot Springs. He worked in the past with construction companies in far eastern countries, but had lived in Hot Springs for several years.

He was the son of Arthur and Nola Andrews of the Redland community, where he attended school in his childhood.

He is survived by his wife, Lea, a son, a stepdaughter and four brothers, Rupert of Baton Rouge, La., Noal of Wilmingotn, Ill., and Joe and Mack of Prescott.

A graveside service was held at Liberty Cemetery on Saturday, June 15.

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