Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Special Pageant Meeting Slated

Published Wednesday, July 17, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

A special meeting concerning the Nevada County Fair Queen pageants will be held Sunday, July 21, at 2:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held at Wolves on Highway 67 South in Prescott.

All questions will be answered concerning the pageants, which will be held in September at the fair. Tips on walking, dress and interview will be given by former pageant winners.

This will also be a pre-sign-up meeting for those wishing to participate in all the contests.

This year there will be 11 divisions in the pageants at the fair. The top contest is Fair Queen, which is for girls ages 16 to 21 years old. The winner of this pageant advances to participate in the Third District Fair.

Other contests for girls include Teen Miss for ages 14 and 15 years; Junior Miss for ages 11-13 years; Young Miss forages 8-10 years; Petite Miss for ages six and seven years; Little Miss for ages four and five years; Tiny Miss for ages two and three years; Baby Miss for ages 12 through 23 months; and Infant Miss for ages 0-11 months.

For little boys there will be a Little Mister contes for ages two and three years and Baby Mister for ages 12 through 23 months.

For more information on any of the pageants call Patsy Ledbetter at 887-2276, 887-3793 or 887-3841; Traci Ellis at 887-3816; or Sandy Morman at 887-5101.

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