Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Grocery Business Helps Dream Come True (cont)

Published Wednesday, July 24, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

her as Vacation Bible School director.

Anice has worked with blood drives in the county and is a past member of the Extension Homemakers Club.

Currently, she is working with the Nevada County Chapter of the American Cancer Society, and for the past 20 years has been Memorial Chairman of the ACS, working to raise money to fight cancer.

She is a member of the Tri-Service Club, an organization dedicated to local philanthropic and service projects, where she has served as president and treasurer.

Anice is also a member and past president of a local garden club, whose goal is to beautify the community. One of her goals is to learn more about caring for wildlife and flowers.

While her children were in school, she was president of the PTA and Band Booster Club. She also acted as chaperon on many out-of-town school trips.

Old habits die hard, and the struggles the Wards went through during their early years together haven't been lost educationally.

In fact, Anice still buys the majority of their clothes from sale racks.

She uses coupons and takes advantage of weekly specials in grocery stores to stretch their food dollars.

During the summer months, she buys fresh vegetables, freezing them for future use.

Credit cards are used only for convenience and to help remain within the budget.

The Wards also save newspapers, plastic and cans, giving them to the Nevada County Day Service Center.

By doing this, a two-fold purpose is served. The center is able to use the recyclables to help raise money to continue its work, and those handicapped citizens are provided with a job.

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