Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Ninth Annual Festival A Success; Sporting Events Dominate Event

Published Wednesday, July 24, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

Sporting events in the annual Chicken and Egg Festival are becoming more and more popular.

According to Von Gordon, manager of the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce, six or eight men's softball teams had to be turned away because there was no space for them on the bracket.

Overall there were 18 teams in the men's tourney, which ended at 5:15 a.m. Sunday.

Fourteen teams participated in the women's softball contest, which lasted until 1 a.m. Sunday itself.

The only disappointment was the Coop-Hoop three-on-three basketball event. Gordon said there were fewer teams in this year's competition than ever.

However, the lack of teams didn't stop Junction City's Hard Knocks team from taking first place and the $300 check that went with it. Ashdown's Second to None was the runner up in the contest.

A total of 35 tennis players competed on the hard court, but one of this year's most popular events seemed to be the weight lifting competition.

Gordon said this was the largest weight lifting contest ever, with more competitors trying their hands than before. She added this event was also promoted more this year than in years past.

The Men's Ministry chicken dinner was a big hit, Gordon said, and could well become a fixture at the festival.

The local vendors, she continued, did well at the event.

Interestingly, the largest crowd for the festival came Friday evening, while the heat may have played a part in keeping the visitors away Saturday afternoon.

Though hot, there were no reports of heat related problems at the festival, Gordon said. However, the Nevada County Ambulance Service was on hand and prepared in case of emergency.

The antique car show made its debut at the festival this year, with about a dozen classic cars entered.

Gordon said there were more children's activities than before, with the Spaceball ride, Fun Kingdom, train and Water Wars -- a popular event because the water from the balloons helped the warriors keep cool.

While the receipts have not been counted yet, Gordon said the festival was a success this year, as visitors came to Prescott from several different areas, including Texas.

"We were happy with it," she said, "but there are portions to improve."

Because of the interest in the softball tournaments, Gordon said interest has been shown concerning building a softball complex.

However, before this can be done, a softball group will have to organize, find the land for softball diamonds and apply for grants.

One of the most interesting and popular displays was brought to the festival by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. This display showed fish native to Arkansas creeks, rivers and lakes, much to the delight of anglers of all ages.

Caleb McClure was the winner in the Golden Egg Hunt.

Changing the festival's date has been mentioned, Gordon said, because of the extreme heat. However, she continued, an alternate date has not yet been found which was not in conflict with another event.

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