Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

All-Stars Compete

Published Wednesday, July 31, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

The Prescott 9 and 10 year olds Little League All Star team are pictured (l-r), front row: Aaron Tosch, Robert Muldrow, Myles Turner, Josh Bryan, Aaron Bullock, Chris Hopper and Cody Brown; second row: Clancey Cleveland, Eli Ratcliff, Mitch Taylor, R.J. Vanhook, Zach Martin, Adam Beaver and Jonathan Korenek; and back row: Donny Hunt, Lance Beaver and Terry Oliver.

The Prescott 9 and 10 year old Little League All Star team played in the district tournament at Hampton. Prescott won their first game over Rosston, 45-4. Prescott then lost to Fordyce 14-4 and lost a close game to Hampton 13-12.

The pitchers for the tourney were Eli Ratcliff, Roger Muldrow, Zach Martin and Aaron Bullock.

Hitters and scoring runs were Roger Muldrow with one single and four runs; R.J. Vanhook with two singles, two doubles, one triple, one home run and eight runs; Adam Beaver with five singles and six runs; Eli Ratcliff with three singles, one double, one triple and eight runs; Aaron Bullock with one single, one triple and three runs; Cody Brown, one single, two doubles and three runs; Jonathan Korenek with two doubles and two runs; Aaron Tosch with three singles and one run; Josh Bryan with four runs; Zach Martin with 10 runs; Clancey Cleveland with four runs; Mitch Taylor with three runs; Chris Hopper with three runs and Myles Turner with two runs.

The All Stars were coached by Terry Oliver, Lance Beaver and Donny Hunt.

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