Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Local Teachers Attend Vocational Conference

Published Wednesday, August 28, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

{Vocational educators Joyce Gibson, Laura Ward, Natalie Edlin, Tammy Holland and Debra Culpepper at Prescott Schools attended the annual conference of the Arkansas Vocational Association August 12 and 13 in Little Rock.<} {Vocational Education: Beyond Grandfather's Vision was the theme for the conference.<} {Sessions and workshops were conducted in the subjects of Youth Apprenticeship: Partnerships in the Medical Profession; Using Interactive Television to Motivate and Teach; TQM and North Central Accreditation; Developing Workplace Behavior; Block Scheduling; Innovations in Leadership; Hyperactivity and Attention Disorders in Children; Children with Special Problems; HIV/AIDS: The Educators/Health Educators Role in the Community; Integrating the Library/Media Center into Your Curriculum; Using Technology to Make the Teacher's Life Easier; Opening Doors to Successful Careers; School to Work; Student Research Mentors; Grading Software; Workforce Development; Incorporating the National Standards for Keyboarding (K-14); Critical Mini-Units in Business Education, Food Science, Computerize Sewing Machines; Families Fir; Accessorize Your Image; Professional Make-over as well as other computer offerings.<} {The keynote speaker was Dr. Paul Root of Ouachita Baptist University.<} {Exhibitors representing 20 companies displayed the latest in training aids, hardware, software, textbooks, insurance products, fundraisers, instructional materials, publishing materials and other innovative products of technology.<} {Judy Cockrill of Marion, president of the Arkansas Vocational Association, presided over the conference. John Davidson of Fayetteville High School, West Campus was installed as the new president.<}

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