Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Helms Earns Degree

Published Wednesday, September 4, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

Commencement exercises for the University of Central Arkansas were held Friday, August 9, in the Farris Physical Education Center in Conway.

Sandra L. Helms, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hicks of the Caney community was among the graduates receiving a master's of science degree in family and consumer sciences, with a specialization in medical nutrition. Helms maintianed a 3.8 grade point, throughout the program.

Receiving her BSE in home economics in 1978 from Henderson State, Sandra taught home economics in the Malvern School System for seven years. She taught home economics at Hope High School during the 1995-96 school year, leaving to accept a graduate assistantship in the UCA department of nursing.

Sandy has three children, Derek, Leigh Ellen and Ashli who are active in the Arkadelphia schools.

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