Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Smoking Hazardous To Man's Freedom, Battery Charges Filed

Published Wednesday, September 25, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

Desire for a cigarette will give a Lewisville man plenty of time to kick the habit while behind bars.

According to reports from the Nevada County Sheriff's Office, Mark Alan Jones, 33, was charged with commercial burglary and theft under $500 in connection with the break-in of the Country Store in Falcon, Tuesday, Sept. 17.

Jones, who reportedly told the authorities he broke a window to get into the business, reportedly took a disposable cigarette lighter and a 20 ounce soft drink.

He was still at the store when the owner arrived, and reportedly offered to pay restitution for the damages and what he had taken.

The owner, however, saw things differently and called the NCSO. Jones was still at the store when officers arrived and arrested him.

He was also on probation for a felony charge when the arrest was made.

Commercial burglary is a class C felony, carrying a penalty of six to 10 years in the state prison.

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