Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Students Taking Trip To Florida

Published Wednesday, September 25, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

With the start of school comes out-of-town trips.

Members of the Nevada School's FHA-HERO program were approved to attend the regional cluster meeting in Orlando, Fla. later on.

In its first meeting since the school election, the Nevada School Board met Thursday, Sept. 19.

While the meeting was short, plenty occurred. The new budget for special education was passed, and it was agreed to purchase 16 or 17 new computers. Additionally, two ovens will be bought for the lunchroom.

On the down side, the board accepted the resignation of Stacy Davis, a kindergarten teacher. For the remainder of the year, though, Dana Cox, who has been substituting and is certified, will hold the post. Davis, who recently had a child, resigned to take care of her newborn.

The district's salary schedule was put on the table so teachers can look it over and make their comments before the October meeting. At that time, the schedule will be discussed and possibly acted on.

The only other item of business occurred early in the meeting as the board was reorganized following the election.

Davis Benton is the new president, with Nelwyn Almand the vice president. Doug Cogbill will be the secretary this year. There were no new additions to the board this year, as all candidates ran unopposed.

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