Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Rainfall, Temperature Are Below Normal For October

Published Wednesday, November 6, 1996 in the Nevada County Picayune

October was the first relatively average month for rainfall in quite some time, according to local meteorologist John Teeter.

The normal amount for the month should have been 4.33 inches, while 3.95 inches of rain fell.

However, the region is still below normal for rainfall for the year. The area should have had 44.74 inches of rain, but has only received 39.38 inches for a deficit of 5.36 inches.

Teeter said the driest October on record was in 1921 when no rain fell. The wettest, he said, was in 1949 when it rained 14.03 inches.

The average temperature for the month was 63.5 degrees, three degrees below the normal of 66.5.

The high temperature recorded during October was 84 on Oct. 27, while the low was 36 on the 19th.

The mercury plummeted to 39 on Oct. 23, 24 as well.

Teeter said the temperatures have reached the 30's in 16 of the past 50 years, with the lowest temperature recorded being 25 on Oct. 22, 1984.

He said frost occurs once in about eight or nine years, with the earliest frost on record Oct. 6, 1932.

There were six watches or warnings during the month, which is one more than the average for Oct. since watches and warnings have been recorded in 1978.

Teeter said October was sort of an ordinary month with no drastic or unusual weather-related events.

The normal rainfall amount for November, he said, is 5.49 inches, while the average temperature is 53.7 degrees.

The older records, Teeter said, are becoming fragile. This means he will research specific day records only back to 1958. "We have already compiled highs, lows, etc. for the period 1904 to 1958," he said. "We are gradually completing this work. We will preserve these old paper records so we can enter them in the computer during the next year."

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