Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

New Number Is Available For Women Veterans

Published Wednesday, February 19, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

More than 400,000 women veterans will receive letters from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) about VA programs specifically designed to meet their needs, including sexual trauma counseling.

Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown said, "Some women veterans who are the victims of sexual assault have come to VA for counseling and treatment, but we know there are many more who are reluctant to come forward for help--a common reaction to sexual trauma. I want women veterans to know there is help available. VA staff can help them cope with long-lasting effects of sexual trauma and improve the quality of their lives," Brown added. Legislation signed in 1992 authorized VA to provide counseling to eligible women veterans to overcome phychological trauma resulting from sexual assault, battery or harassment while on active duty. Since that time, VA has treated more than 15,000 women veterans in its Vet Centers and medical centers. Said Brown, "VA is committed to ensuring that the unique health-care needs of women veterans--now numbering 1.2 million-- are being met and, in addition to sexual trauma counseling, we have targeted other special programs to meet those needs." Gynecological services are available at all VA health-care facilities, the majority of which also have special women's clinics. Eight Women Veterans Comprehensive Health Centers have been established to develop new programs for meeting women veterans' health needs, and each VA medical center and regional benefits office has a women veterans' coordinator to provide information on benefits and services.

Women veterans seeking information may call VA's national toll-free number, 1-800-827-1000. VA counselors or women veterans' coordinators are available to provide information on VA and non-VA community programs, as well as assistance in filing claims.

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