Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Storm's Damage Can Be Replaced, Rebuilt

Published Wednesday, March 12, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

Residents of Nevada County were lucky when tornadoes raged through on March 1.

There were no deaths, and the damage done can be repaired or replaced. Twelve barns were destroyed in the storms, while 20 homes sustained damage of some sort, as did 14 other buildings. In addition, 3.5 miles of county roads were damaged by the twisters.

Because of the damage, Nevada County was declared a disaster area by the state and federal governments. This means money is available to victims of the tornado.

Some people may be eligible for disaster unemployment assistance if they are unemployed because of the storms. This benefit does not apply to those with normal unemployment insurance claims.

The benefits can last up to 26 weeks for those who are eligible. Those affected can check into the disaster unemployment benefits by contacting the Hope Employment Security Division (ESD) at 700 S. Elm, or by calling (501) 777-3421. They can also call the Texarkana ESD at 1118 Wood Street or by calling (903) 794-4163.

In addition, those needing clothing, food and personal items because of the disaster can get some help at the Breadbasket in Prescott.

More importantly, those needing help rebuilding can apply for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants and loans.

The initial application for FEMA grants and loans must be made by telephone. A toll-free number has been established for this purpose. It is 1-800-462-9029. The toll-free number for the hearing/speech impaired with TDD is: 1-800-462-7585.

No walk-in applications will be accepted at this time. This is being done to keep victims from having to travel any more than necessary, stand in lines and will give them more privacy when applying for aid.

In addition, no FEMA disaster applications will be taken at the disaster relief center. The nearest of these centers is at Ouachita Baptist University.

FEMA is offering individual assistance programs providing grants up to $13,000 for uninsured losses related to damage and destruction of a family's primary residence. FEMA inspectors will verify the losses before approving the grants. The amount of the grants will be based on actual losses.

In addition, FEMA will help provide up to 90 days temporary housing for those whose homes are uninhabitable because of the damage they sustained, and are otherwise not covered for temporary housing with their homeowners insurance.

The Small Business Administration is also urging victims to apply for low-interest Federal disaster loans. These loans have as little as 3.7 percent interest rates in many cases.

The loans can be used to rebuild homes and businesses.

SBA representatives will be on hand at the disaster recovery centers to meet one-on-one with victims of the tornadoes, and help them complete the SBA disaster loan applications.

Homeowners, renters and non-farm businesses of all sizes are eligible to apply for loans up to $200,000 to rebuild.

Additionally, homeowners and renters may be eligible for up to $40,000 to repair and replace damaged or destroyed personal property.

Businesses may qualify for loans up to $1.5 million to repair and replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery, equipment, inventory and other assets.

Small business owners may also qualify for economic injury disaster loans if they were financially impacted by the disaster, though their businesses weren't otherwise harmed.

These working capital loans are to help small businesses meet their obligations until normal operations can be resumed.

Victims can register for these loans by calling FEMA's toll-free numbers, listed above.

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