Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Kelly-Miller Circus This Sunday At Fairgrounds

Published Wednesday, April 2, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

From the newly designed Italian circus tent to the lighting and acts, the 1997 edition of the Kelly-Miller Circus should prove to be one of the best ever, according to a news release from the circus.

Prescott Lions Club is sponsoring the circus this coming Sunday at the fairgrounds with two shows. The first performance will be at 2:00 p.m.; the second at 4:30.

Advance tickets, sold by members of the Lions Club, are $7 for adults and $5 for children under 12. These tickets will be $9 and $7 after Saturday.

The Lions Club will receive 25% of advance sales and only 10% of the sales on the day of the circus. "You will be helping yourself and the club if you buy tickets in advance," Curtis Johnson, a member of the Lions Club, said.

Tickets can be purchased at Holly's Healthmart, Fred's Pharmacy, Prescott Hardware, Baker's Best Stop, Oliver's One Stop, Taylor's Big Star, Bank of Prescott and Nevada County Branch Bank of Delight.

Feature acts this year include the Perez family from Mexico.

Now, with the additional height of the new tent, Kelly-Miller Circus is able to present the always popular and ever dangerous flying trapeze. You will be awed as you watch the Perez brothers build human pyramids on the high-wire and be amazed at the speed at which they perform atop the revolving wheel.

The Vital family will shoot their way into your hearts, as they perform astounding feats of archery skill.

Try to imagine placing an apple on the top of your head and allowing someone to shoot it off with a bow and arrow. An act that requires the utmost skill and concentration. An act so daring, that the slightest mistep, the slightest miscalculation, could end in disaster.

Animals are always a favorite with children of all ages. Miss Cindi will delight audiences with the Kelly-Miller 6-horse liberty act, as well as assisting Roy Wells in the presentation of the Kelly-Miller Circus elephants.

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