Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Allen To Attend Governor's School For Gifted And Talented

Published Wednesday, April 16, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

Tamla Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Allen of Rosston, has been selected to attend the 1997 Arkansas Governor's School (AGS) for the gifted and talented.

Allen, a junior at Nevada High School, will be attending the program in the area of English-language arts. Students attending the 18th annual AGS program are scheduled to arrive at the Hendrix College campus in Conway on Sunday, June 15, where they will be welcomed by Governor Huckabee.

Governor's School is a competitive program, which requires nomination by the high shcool counselor. Students are selected to attend the Governor's School on the basis of their abilities and interests in a particular academic discipline or artistic field. They must write an essay, submit academic credentials and, if applying in an art area, perform an audition.

Nearly 800 students were nominated this year for the 400 positions. The statewide selection committees strive to identify those students with the intellectual ability, creativity, motivation and maturity to optimally benefit from the six-week summer program.

Established in 1980, the Arkansas Governor's School is an innovative program designed for Arkansas' brightest youth.

Held on the Hendrix College campus in Conway, this summer residential program is fully state funded and involves no grades, tests or credit. Students attend at no personal cost. There are Saturday classes, concerts, art exhibits, drama performances, nationally known speakers, inspiring films, as well as a distinguished faculty and staff.

The program exposes students to the best in 20th century art, music, literature, film and thought in the sciences, social sciences and humanities.

While Governor's School requires academic work and intellectual challenge, it is also a great deal of fun. A full-time recreation director and social activities director are on site for the entire program to plan activities.

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