Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Counselor's Desk

Published Wednesday, May 14, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

by Donald Crane

This year's senior class has really applied for the scholarships.

I don't recall ever writing so

many recommendations and completing so many forms. It would be nice if they could all get a scholarship, but that's just not possible.

Recently, those who applied for the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship received letters stating they must submit transcripts and ACT scores by May 23. Some got excited and rushed to my office for those.

I called the Department of Higher Education and reminded them that the 23rd was only a week after our graduation, and we would have to give time for teachers to average grades, enter them on scan sheets, scan them into our program, and finally, print labels and attach them to the transcripts. They told me someone had gotten a bit over-zealous in wording the letters and we could send final transcripts when we had them ready. Those who received letters are to sign them and bring them to me to be mailed back with the transcript.

Busy times are upon us. Our activities for the next few days are listed below.


May 12: Monday -- Seniors take final tests in periods 3 & 4 Kiwanis Honor Banquet at Middle School --6:30 p.m.

13: Tuesday -- Seniors take final tests in periods 1 & 2

14: Wednesday -- Final test make-up for seniors

15: Thursday -- Senior Breakfast in elementary cafeteria -- 8:00-9:00 a.m. Awards Day in the football stadium -- 9:40-11:07 a.m. Senior Class Day practice 1:30 p.m. -- until finished

16: Friday -- Senior Class Day in the football stadium -- 9:40-11:07 a.m. Graduation practice 1:00 p.m. -- until finished. Seniors report to Vocational Building at 6:30 p.m.GRADUATION at the football stadium -- 7:00 p.m.

22: Thursday -- Final tests for grades 9, 10, & 11 -- Periods 3 & 4

23: Friday -- Final tests for grades 9, 10, & 11- Periods 1 & 2 Junior Class Play in Elementary Building -- 7:00 p.m.

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