Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Justin House To Attend Seminar

Published Wednesday, May 28, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

Justin House was selected to represent Nevada High School at the 1997 Arkansas Leadership Seminar of the Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation (HOBY) May 2, 3 and 4 at the Arkansas 4-H Center in Ferndale.

HOBY is an international organization hosting leadership seminars for high school sophomores in major cities across the United States. Every high school in America, including public and private institutions, is given the opportunity to nominate an outstanding sophomore student to attend its state's weekend-long, expense-paid seminar. The selection process is based upon the leadership they have shown in their schools and communities.

The students interacted with physicians, media, government and business leaders, who participated on panel sessions that included topics such as `News Via Internet,' `Ethics and Business,' `Equal Education,' `Arkansas as a Two-Party State,' and `Owning Your Own Business.'

May 3 the group visited the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to hear a health care panel tackle medical technology into the 21st century. After picnicking on the state capitol grounds, a panel session was held in the State Supreme Court Building to discuss juvenile crime and then participate in a mock trial.

The seminar was wrapped up on Sunday, May 4, as parents joined their teenagers at a luncheon banquet.

Over 140 sophomores from across the state attended the seminar, which was chaired by Rhonda Reeves.

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