Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Pocket Size Guide For Trees Available

Published Wednesday, July 9, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

`What Tree Is That?,' a pocket guide for identifying trees, is available free-of-charge from The National Arbor Day Foundation.

The 72-page guide will help you identify 135 different trees found in the eastern and central United States.

Well-known trees are included: oaks, maples, spruces and pines. Also included are species such as horsechestnut and mockernut hickory, sassafras and shadbush, persimmon and pawpaw and pagodatree and pecan.

Dozens of drawings illustrate the trees' leaves or needles and their acorns, berries, seed pods, cones, etc. `What Tree Is That?' is organized to make it easy to identify trees in a simple step-by-step fashion.

"Helping people enjoy and appreciate trees is central to the educational mission of the Arbor Day Foundation," John Rosenhow, the foundation's president, said. "Being able to identify trees is important to knowing how to care for them and how to plant the right tree in the right place."

To obtain your free tree ID guide send your name and address to `What Tree Is That?,' The National Arbor Day Foundationn, Nebraska City, NE 68410.

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