Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Health-A-Rama Is This Weekend In Prescott City Park

Published Wednesday, September 3, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune


Prescott's City Park will be packed to its limits Saturday, Sept. 6 as Ronald McDonald comes to town.

Ronald McDonald, the world's most famous clown, is coming to Prescott to help kick off the First Annual Health-A-Rama. After all, Ronald knows good health is important to children and adults.

The event will be held from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and is sponsored by the Prescott-Nevada County Health Alliance.

There will be several health screenings offered. These include blood pressure checks, blood sugar screenings, cholesterol checks, cataract and glaucoma exams, and oxygen saturation. Along with this, St. Joseph's Regional Health Unit from Hot Springs will be offering mammograms for $65. These readings will be done by a physician with the hospital and can be filed on insurance.

St. Joseph's will also be doing body mass measurements.

Along with the screenings, there will be plenty of educational booths with information on drug and alcohol prevention, breast self examination, financial health, physical fitness, college health education, insurance information, organ donor recovery and h ospice care.

But health and data gathering aren't all the Health-A-Rams is about. There will also be tons of games for the youngsters to play. This includes bingo, relay races, go-fishing, tours of a firetruck and the Lifenet helicopter. In addition, there will be Ron ald McDonald, the featured star, clowns other than Ronald and Prescott's most famous celebrity -- Wally the Wolf.

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