Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, September 1, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Marguerite Williams

Virgil and Lois McGough of Willisville recently attended the beautiful wedding of their son, Ryan, in Kalamazoo, Mich. I'm sure other family members attended the occasion, but I don't know who.

This past weekend Dail and Marjorie Evans and Mary Jo Gregory went with their nephew and his wife, Billy Bob and Jeanette Spencer, of El Dorado to Dallas to the 40th wedding anniversary of their niece and her husband, Jeanette and Steve Sheiron. They report a beautiful affair. they returned home on Monday.

Bill and Pat Lusby were our supper guests on Saturday night. After supper we visited Veneta Bustin at Hillcrest Care Center in Prescott.

Church was well attended Sunday. Bro. Sam Husser, our evangelist of Laurel, Miss., brought a very good message. Beth Ann Rankin of Magnolia brought the special singing and played some piano solos. She is a super person and did a super job. This was the beginning of our revival. We had a delicious meal after the morning service and I believe it was the most food I had seen at Rosston in a long time. Among visitors were Rhonda Morgan, Bonnie Sue and Peggy Freeland of Camden, Irving Fairchild of Prescott, Dee Hargas and daughter Amber of Willisville, Chasity and Tonya Reaves had two friends with them, and Nadine Wortman of Houston was a visitor. Corinth Church attended Sunday night and we had one soul saved for which we were very thankful. Jeff and Cara Carlton rendered the special music Sunday night and afterward Tara was saved. Praise the Lord.

Rosston sends sympathy to the family of Mary Cross. She passed away Sunday morning while we were in church. Funeral was Tuesday morning at Mt. Moriah Church with burial there. Mary was like a mother to me down through the years and I loved her like a mother. Please remember this dear family in your prayers. I was shocked as I visited with her late Saturday afternoon. She just slipped away from us, but we know she is in a better place.

Dail and Marjorie Evans had all there children as supper guests on Saturday night. Granddaughter Diane of California is home visiting with her parents, Bro. Jerry and Dot Evans, of Taylor.

Ruth Vinson and daughter and son-in-law, Mary and Mike Smyth, are sporting a beautiful Holiday Rambler motor home. We know how much they will enjoy it. We are so happy for them.

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