Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Nevada Staff Attends Institute

Published Wednesday, September 10, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

Nevada High School staff members who attended the Strategic Leadership Institute during the week of July 27-August 1 were, l-r, front row: Don Kunkel, Randy Curtis and Naomi Butler; back row: Janice Handcock, Hardy Herrington, Mary Hendrix, Pat Stewart and Kris Tippitt.

Five members of the Nevada High School staff attended the Strategic Leadership Institute during the week of July 27-August 1.

The institute was held at the Fairfield Bay Conference Center. It was sponsored by the Arkansas Leadership Academy.

During the week the team participated in various activities that helped them learn to plan effectively and to assume a leadership role in school.

While enjoying the protected environment that Fairfield Bay afforded, the Nevada team revised its `high schools that work' (HSTW) plan for the 1997-98 school year. At the same time it united its COE plan with the HSTW plan.

The institute was invaluable to the team, because it gave time to develop a new perspective on how to motivate and unite faculty members. These actions will benefit the students at NHS and will provide a safe school climate in which all students will be permitted to reach their highest educational goals.

Janice Handcock, assistant superintendent at Crossett Public Schools, was the team's coach. Randy Curtis, a regional manager for Wal-Mart, was also a member of the team, as well as Don Kunkel, technology supervisor from the Ola Public Schools.

Members from Nevada High School on the team were Hardy Herrington, NHS principal; Linda Carlew, teacher; Naomi Butler, counselor; Kris Tippitt, teacher; Mary Hendrix, teacher; and Patricia Stewart, media specialist.

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