Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Fast Track Discussed

Published Wednesday, October 1, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

USDA Rural Development State Director John C. Edwards and Farm Service Agency Acting State Director Michael L. Dunaway met with Vice President Al Gore and Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman at the White House during a recent trip to Washington, D.C. The Vice President touched on several issues of interest pertaining to agriculture, including the importance of retaining Fast Track Authority.

Gore told the state directors that Fast Track Authority sets a timetable for Congressional deliberations and requires that congress vote to reject the final agreement as negotiated without amendment. The continuation of Fast Track Authority will give the Clinton Administration the same bargaining power that many other foreign countries already have. Every Administration since 1974 has had the negotiating authority associated with this legislation.

"Agriculture's future is tied to trade," Glickman said. "U.S. agricultural exports climbed to $60 billion in 1996, the highest ever. In order for this trend to continue, the Administration needs to have the authority to negotiate a binding agreement with our trading counter parts. It was very important for Edwards and Dunaway to hear from the Vice President on how critical the continuation of Fast Track Authority is to the American farmer and to this Administration."

Glickman said, "Fast Track Authority is viewed as essential for U.S. negotiating credibility. New agreements to open more markets and levels the playing field will require hard bargaining, especially in agriculture. If our foreign counterparts know that any agreement they accept may later be amended or stalled by Congress, U.S. negotiators will fail to get the best terms or obtain the tough concessions needed to produce a fair trade deal."

"Rural communities in Arkansas can no longer depend solely on local and national markets to buy their products. We live and compete in a global market place," stated Edwards. "American farmers are becoming more and more dependent on foreign trade. The Administration needs to have the authority to negotiate fair and binding trade agreements that will help benefit the American Farmer and those who live in rural communities."

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