Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Healthy Lungs Are Celebrated

Published Wednesday, October 1, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

The months of October and November will be celebrated by the American Lung Association as Healthy Lungs Month in Arkansas.

During this time, volunteers will visit classrooms around the state and give no-smoking presentations to thousands of students, warning them of the dangers of tobacco use.

This year's program targets first, fourth and seventh graders and uses a video, educational handouts and stickers, all provide free by the American Lung Association through Christman Seals and other freewill donations. The volunteer help increase the student's awareness of the harmful effects of smoking and also discuss ways to handle peer pressure.

"Our main focus is to catch these children at an early age and arm them with the facts about tobacco use so they will never start smoking," Sally Hudspeth, field representative for the American Lung Association of Arkansas, said.

Nationwide, 3,000 children begin the deadly habit of smoking each day, she said. Eventually, 1,000 of these will die from the effects of tobacco use.

Volunteer presenters include local respiratory therapists, community leaders, health educators, parents and American Lung Association chapter members.

"Last year 210 volunteers reached over 29,000 students statewide with these presentations," Hudspeth said. "We're so proud to be able to bring the program to schools again this year and hope to reach even more children."

For more information on how to volunteer for Healthy Lungs Month presentations or other programs or for information on smoking, call the American Lung Association of Arkansas at 1-800-586-4872.

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