Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Oak Grove

Published Wednesday, September 1, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Lula Q. Kendrick

If we have God's word in our minds, we can put the right words in our mouth.

Revival meeting at Harrison Chapel ended Friday night. It was well attended. Rev. Rufus Hatley did some good preaching. He is a very good speaker. I attended one night at Kendrick Chapel. Rev. Wallace Ingram was the evangelist for the week. He is a very powerful speaker.

Magnolia District lay organization meeting was held at Bethel Hope Sunday afternoon at 3:00. It started on time and ended on time. Bro. David Fields is a very good president of the lay organization. It was well attended. Those attending from the Young Circuit were Daisy Gulley and her husband and myself. It was a very good meeting. Mrs. Hattie Brown from Mt. Holly Circuit sang a solo. I have been on this battlefield a long time. God has been good to me.

Our day care center has closed its doors. I feel sorry for the working mothers. There weren't enough children to stay open.

Mrs. Clearian Madison, Henry and husband Richard visited her sister around two weeks. They live in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Vera Purifoy is their oldest sister. They all see about her. She has been on our sick list for a good while. She is a very smart woman. She will go out of her way to help you.

Bro. De Willis Gulley has been in the hospital in Camden. He is out and at home. He stays by himself. His son really sees after him.

Mt. Vernon annual homecoming will be Sunday. They always have a large crowd at Mt. Vernon. Rev. Clearance Reynolds will be the speaker for the afternoon. He is from Cregg Chapel of Ashdown.

James C. Young visited his Aunt Girtie Blake. She is still on our sick list.

Marcellas Tidwell had a wreck on Highway 200 Friday evening and totaled his truck. It turned over and he crawled out. It was a miracle he is alive. He is doing pretty good. He is just sore. There wasn't any broken bones. Ira J. Tidwell, his father, is doing pretty good.

George Kendrick is not feeling well. He went to Little Rock Tuesday. They say i'ts to far for him to travel. They are referring him to a closer doctor. He has been down a long time.

Lourice Tidwell Burse visited her children in St. Louis for a week. She took her father, Artie Velt Tidwell. He is doing fine and looking good. She really sees after her father. Bro. Willie Tidwell went with them also.

Be careful how you treat the human soul. It might just be a diamond in the rough.

Bro. Ezra Muldrew stopped by our house to see George and had prayer with him. He is not doing well himself. He wanted to see George.

I was very surprised my friend, Sis. Lou Kathrine Montgomery, is preaching. She preached at Whites Chapel AME Church Sunday morning. She is a good Christian person.

Our district supervisor, Bro. Brocey, attended the lay meeting. He is a very biblical man.

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