Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Daycare Grant Awarded To Oak Grove Community

Published Wednesday, October 8, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

Oak Grove Civic League has received a $45,000 startup grant for the Oak Grove Day Care Center.

County Judge James Roy Brown and Joseph Hale were instrumental in helping obtain a $45,000 the grant from the Arkansas Early Childhood Commission.

The center's opening date is tentatively scheduled for January 5, 1998. Weekly meetings are held every Monday night at 6:00 at the old Oak Grove Elementary building.

A survey of the surrounding communities is 80% complete. The number of eligible children in the communities look promising, a news release from the Oak Grove Civic League says. "There's a lot of work to do before the January 5 startup date to the building and grounds. We're asking volunteer help from the surrounding communities," the release said.

The election for the Day Care board of directors is scheduled for Thursday, October 16, at the Oak Grove Elementary building.

"The participation has been great and we hope that this will be the first step in improving our community and restore its pride," the release said.

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