Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Good Behavior Rewarded

Published Wednesday, October 22, 1997 in the Nevada County Picayune

This fall Emmet Elementary principal Floyd Pollock began a new program to recognize good student behavior.

The students are recognized if they display good citizenship, responsibility, follow classroom, playground and bus rules, and show respect to other students, faculty and staff members.

When a student is selected, they are recognized on the daily bulletin, according to Pollock. The students also receive a certificate, receive a reward and have their picture taken with a Polaroid camera nad posted on the bulletin board entitled, "Look Who Caught Mr. Pollock's Eye."

The students have been very motivated to improve their behavior - or maintain their good behavior. The bulletng board is drawing much attention, even from high school students.

Elementary students who have caught Polluck's eye are Brandon Hill, Jessica Allen, Myrriah Chance, Zach Hoover, Justin Robbins, Rebekah Martin, Tyler Syata, Chassidy Adcock, Troy Elliott, Nicole McCoy, Shalethia Reed, Ryan Roberson, Morgan Quillin, Lauren Otwell, Hanna Dougan, Ashley Parmer, Trent Messer, Cassie Hardman, Laci Owens, Shaun Smith, Jennifer Simmons, Ashley Lambert, Justin Gatlin, Whitney Noble, Justin Hickey, Clancy Cleveland, Kelsey Jones, Katie Tuberville, Cassie Daniels, Jonathan Miller, Callie Dearinger, Tevarez Dixon, Natasha Smith and Danielle Willis.

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